Amazing! The number of abortions in New York State fell by 13% between 2008 and 2011. In Monroe County abortion rates fell by an astonishing 29%! Including non-residents, the number of at-risk women CompassCare helped to have their babies represents 31% of that reduction! Rochester is in the midst of an abortion trend reversal.
For more than ten years CompassCare has been striving to shake the foundation of the abortion industry and protect women and children by simply reaching 20-25% of women considering abortion. Why is 20-25% the magic amount? It is the estimated profit margin for the abortion industry. The theory is that if the profits were taken out of the abortion industry then abortionists would reduce hours and ultimately close due to lack of demand. Rochester represents an abortion hub. If the current trend continues, Rochester will see a 65% reduction in abortion rates from its recent 2008 high in just five short years. Thank you for the investment of your time, prayer, and finances. The mission of erasing the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence is working.
It is because of the generosity of people just like you that CompassCare has been privileged to stay on the cutting edge of reversing the abortion trend.
When a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy she feels trapped, as if abortion is her only way out. Only when she feels empowered to make the most difficult choice, to have the baby, is she truly empowered to choose. Anything less is coercion, not choice. The services provided by CompassCare and the ways in which those services are provided are designed to give her a vision of her future after having a child.
CompassCare’s goal is to accelerate this exciting trend by reaching 100% more women than last year (just 193 more). Not only will the life-saving pregnancy platform and the Sexually Transmitted Disease testing and treatment services continue and be improved, but exciting new initiatives are being explored and developed such as:
1) Abortion Pill Reversal: NYS Vital statistics reveal that 24% of abortions in Monroe County are now chemical abortions, using a drug called RU-486. It is expected that the use of RU-486 will increase significantly in the coming years. Many women regret their abortion after taking the first abortion pill and want to change their mind. CompassCare now offers a way for those women to save their pregnancy with research suggesting that 75% of these women will go on to sustain a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy child! This new service opens up a whole new vista of opportunity to accelerate the reversal by reaching 100% more women at risk for abortion than 2012!
2) Mobile Medical Unit: Often women facing unplanned pregnancy have difficulty coming to CompassCare. The use of a mobile medical unit to take all the essential life-saving services on the road to meet the women where they are has worked in other abortions hubs. CompassCare is determining whether it will also work in Rochester, to help reach those additional women at risk for abortion.
We are witnessing that for which we have prayed and worked: reversal of the abortion trend! Thank you again for your investment in CompassCare. Please consider deepening your investment this year as together we endeavor to reach and save those additional 193 women creating a snowball effect in the abortion trend reversal!