“Oh, I am definitely keeping this baby!”

Recently, Trisha moved to Rochester to escape a domestic abuse situation. Alone, without a job, money, or any local connections, Trisha discovered she was also pregnant. Without any insurance or means to pay for an abortion, she contacted CompassCare, grateful that she would be seen for free.

Trisha’s nurse warmly greeted her and invited her back to an exam room where they talked about her situation. Trisha was adamant that she needed to have an abortion, listing off all of her reasons. “It sounds like you’re in a very challenging situation, Trisha. I’m sorry for that, but I am glad you found CompassCare. We are committed to helping walk you through this.”  

Trisha agreed to an ultrasound and seemed to soften somewhat when she saw her healthy 10-week-old baby moving around on the screen. After the ultrasound, her nurse went through all the options available to her, emphasizing the many support agencies located in Monroe County.  Her nurse also shared information about church-based MotherCare teams, women dedicated to befriending Trisha, offering her the community she desperately needs. She agreed to have a MotherCare team member from a local church reach out to her. 

Toward the end of the appointment, her nurse shared the reality of God’s love for her and invited Trisha to surrender her life to the Lord.  She eagerly prayed to receive this free gift of grace and cried quietly with her nurse.  By the end of the appointment, Trisha said she was no longer sure about terminating and agreed to return in a week for another appointment.  Trisha came in for her return appointment and after her ultrasound exam, her nurse asked how she was feeling. Trisha smiled and said, “Oh, I am definitely keeping this baby!”

NY Abortion Laws Give Pro-Lifers Opportunity

1 comment on ““Oh, I am definitely keeping this baby!””

  1. Karen Roberts Reply

    It is wonderful how God is using compassionate people to reach out to mothers in order to save babies’ lives and to lead the mothers to Christ.

    I think that the abortion insanity going on now is turning more people to a pro-life point of view. It is also giving Christians boldness to speak up for life.

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