Challenging the Supreme Court’s “notoriously incorrect” 1973 ruling legalizing abortion, Roe v Wade, is the intent of Alabama’s total ban signed into law by Madam Governor Kay Ivey. Alabama’s State Spearheading the campaign Madam Representative Terri Collins stated, “…what I’m trying to do here is get this case in front of the Supreme Court so Roe v. Wade can be overturned.”
Many people on both sides of the debate believe the Supreme Court will take one of the many opportunities many State are now providing to modify or overturn the 1973 ruling. Abortion supporters fear it driving States like New York to make abortion a human right through bills like the presidentially ridiculed Reproductive Health Act.
What would happen if the Supreme Court actually heard open dialogue regarding the core belief undergirding the pro-life position; that all persons are equally valuable without qualification?
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