Late last year, Houda discovered she was pregnant. The cultural and religious shame for her as a Muslim was more than she could bear, so Planned Parenthood gave her a chemical abortion. The private horror she experienced during that event, and the overwhelming regret she has felt since, led to a state of deep despair that ultimately caused her to attempt suicide. Houda was discovered and rushed to a hospital. During her treatment and recovery it was revealed that she was again pregnant.
With life seemingly spinning out of control and without a clear plan of how to proceed, Houda called CompassCare. As she sat in the exam room with her nurse, Houda poured out her feelings of fear, confusion, and guilt. Her parents are unaware of this pregnancy and she knows they will be extremely angry if they find out – perhaps kicking her out of their home. Houda still felt that abortion was her only option. She also feared her baby may be harmed by her suicide attempt early in the pregnancy.

Houda agreed to an ultrasound which revealed a healthy 11-week-old baby. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw her baby moving around inside of her. “It’s just so cute!” she exclaimed. Afterwards, Houda confessed that deep down, past the fear; she really wanted to keep her baby. As they talked, her nurse shared about the hope and forgiveness that Jesus offers to those who surrender their lives to Him. When asked, Houda said she had never heard anything like it before and eagerly agreed to place her hope and trust in Jesus right then and there. “But I don’t really know how to pray.” Smiling, Houda’s nurse took her hands and said, “That’s no problem. How about I pray and show you how.” Houda nodded in agreement, bowing her head and weeping as she received the free gift of grace and new life in Christ.
Houda agreed to return in one week with the father of the baby. As she was leaving, she told her nurse “I believe God directed me here today and I am so glad I came!”

A Miracle in the Making
A miracle happened in Rochester and it is happening again in Buffalo. The scope of CompassCare’s services include not only reaching and serving women seriously considering abortion in Rochester, but also two other major ministry elements: 1) helping Pregnancy Decision Centers get better at reaching and serving women and 2) … Read more.

Governor Cuomo Leaves CompassCare No Choice But to Sue
New York Senate bill S660 (aka Boss Bill) was signed into law by Governor Cuomo on Friday, November 8. The bill makes it illegal for pro-life organizations to hire and manage employees based on pro-life beliefs. CompassCare has no other choice but to sue Governor Cuomo as this bill threatens the organization’s very existence. Read more.
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