Buffalo: Sally is a determined young woman from the heart of Buffalo with a plan to continue her education and launch her career. The last thing she wanted was to get pregnant. Yet here she is, sitting in CompassCare’s Buffalo office, the reality of a positive pregnancy test staring her in the face. Sally shook her head in disbelief telling her nurse, “There’s no way this is getting in the way of my plans for my life. I’ve worked too long and hard to get where I am.”
She already had an appointment scheduled for the following week at Planned Parenthood but wanted more information before she made her final decision. Sally agreed to an ultrasound, which revealed an 8-week-old baby, with a strong and healthy heartbeat. She gasped, closing her eyes and breathing out, “Wow, that’s a baby.” It took a few minutes for Sally to find words to articulate her emotions, but as her nurse patiently sat with her, she began to talk through the turmoil she was feeling. “I’m just not sure what I’m going to do now. That’s my baby…but I can’t be pregnant right now. I don’t know what to do.”
Sally listened intently as her nurse shared information on all the options available to her. Towards the end of her appointment, Sally confessed that she believes that God causes things to happen for a reason. Her nurse took the opportunity to share more about God’s love and plan for salvation. Sally eagerly accepted the invitation offered her and prayed to surrender her life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Before she left, Sally told her nurse, “I just know I’m going to keep this baby. Thank you so much for everything!”
Rochester: When Susan found out she was pregnant she couldn’t imagine how she could possibly handle another child at this point in her life. She feels totally unsupported by her husband while trying to raise their other young children. Susan made an appointment and came to CompassCare’s Rochester office to learn more about abortion.
Susan shared a little bit about her situation with her nurse but generally seemed closed off and determined to pursue an abortion. She agreed to an ultrasound but made it clear to her nurse that she didn’t want to have the monitor on or to hear the heartbeat. After the exam, Susan’s nurse confirmed the viability and health of her 6-week-old baby but she declined to take the printed ultrasound pictures with her.
Her nurse shared the value of taking time to make a final decision and Susan agreed that it might be wise to wait a week. Susan was given information about various resources available to her in the area, as well as a loving church. That’s when Susan told her nurse that she was already part of a church nearby and confessed that they wouldn’t agree with her decision to abort. Her nurse then shared the Gospel with her, offering an opportunity to fully surrender her life to Christ. Susan eagerly agreed and bowed her head as she prayed and asked the Lord to direct her steps.
CompassCare sent out a prayer request to hundreds of prayer warriors throughout the region, asking for prayer for Susan and her preborn baby.
Susan came back to her follow-up appointment with an exciting update for her nurse. “I’ve decided to continue my pregnancy and am so glad I came here. Thank you!”

No Sane Woman Wants an Abortion
No sane woman wants to have an abortion. She feels stuck, trapped, like she needs to have an abortion. Her circumstances, culture, and relationships coerce her to make a decision she would not otherwise make. The mission of CompassCare is an expression of the Church’s desire to erase the need for abortion in her mind, dignifying her… Read more.

You’re Invited to a Vision Tour!
Vision Tours are 75-minute educational events designed to give pro-life Christians an opportunity to understand how the organization reaches and serves women seriously considering abortion, and guides attendees as to whether or not involvement in CompassCare is a good way for them to express their pro-life convictions. Read more.

CompassCare Buys New Medical Office in Buffalo!
The purchase of a new medical office at 1230 Eggert Road in Buffalo happened today! The Church through CompassCare has accomplished another major milestone on the journey to reduce Buffalo abortions by 50% in 5 years. Jim Harden, President/CEO of CompassCare, signed the closing documents this afternoon. Read more.