By law Federal tax dollars are not supposed to fund abortion. Fifty years ago, grant monies for family planning were made available through Title X and paid out through Health and Human Services with the understanding that abortion is not family planning. Yet, many have been frustrated by the fact that the world’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, has received hundreds of millions in Title X grant money for decades.
Recently, this no-abortion expectation for Title X grant recipients was reiterated when the Trump Administration initiated the ‘Protect Life Rule.’ Predictably, Planned Parenthood and other abortionists filed suit in the abortion-friendly U.S. 9th Circuit. Surprisingly, the 9th Circuit upheld the Protect Life Rule and even more astonishingly, the 9th Circuit Appeals Court refused to reconsider the decision. Can abortion businesses survive without government sponsorship?
This real abortion news update is sponsored by CompassCare. For a full transcript go to realabortionnews.com.