Earlier this month in an interview with National Public Radio the leader of the abortion business Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, said: “This is literally a life and death election. We felt like we can’t endure another four years of Trump….” Much of Johnson’s concern is about the Trump administration tightening Planned Parenthood’s access to tax dollars.
Planned Parenthood announced their endorsement of Joe Biden and pledged $45 million to elect pro-abortion candidates in local, state and national campaigns.
The Supreme Court ruling, Roe v Wade, holds that because preborn boys and girls are not viable outside the womb they can be aborted. If it is true that Planned Parenthood is not financially viable outside of the womb of government funding then perhaps government is simply exercising its right to choose?
This real abortion news update is sponsored by CompassCare. For a full transcript go to realabortionnews.com.