Tessa first came to CompassCare for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) testing. She tested positive, was given treatment, and remarked how much she loved the care she received from her nurse.
When Tessa faced an unplanned pregnancy, she was seriously considering abortion. Remembering her wonderful experience with CompassCare, she scheduled an appointment. Engaging her nurse, she rapidly outlined a list of reasons why she couldn’t have this baby: she was unemployed, not financially stable, planning to move out of state, and already a single mother. Tessa summed everything up by stating flatly, “I am not in a position to have a baby.”
Upon hearing her baby’s heartbeat and seeing her eight-week-old child on the ultrasound screen, she tearfully gasped, “It’s amazing!” When her nurse went through the Abortion: Risks & Side-Effects brochure with her, Tessa remarked, “I really don’t think I can go through with [an abortion] now.”
Her nurse took that opportunity to talk to Tessa about a relationship with God the Father. Tessa said that she is a Christian but had been neglecting her relationship with God. She admitted to having bad thoughts, like “the devil is on my shoulder.” As her nurse prayed, Tessa began crying quietly. When her nurse looked up after the prayer, she could see that Tessa’s entire countenance had changed! She left saying she was going to have to talk to the father of the baby about her pregnancy and agreed to be contacted by a MotherCare mentor at a local church for support.
Tessa returned for her follow-up appointment a week later and was amazed to see how much her baby had grown. She was excited about connecting with her MotherCare mentor at church and left saying, “I’m full of joy and so happy.”
Disclaimer: Names and details have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

How Does Your Faith Today Save Babies Tomorrow?
By growing our faith through these moments, the Lord uses us to be part of His deliverance of others. Your faith does just that for a woman tricked by culture into drinking the bitter water of abortion, believing it will assuage her thirsty soul. The souls of women and the lives of their preborn boys and girls are exposed to the searing desert sun of society. As we remember how our Lord has so often been our oasis, our faith’s branches extend to shade them. Read more.

You Are…
You are fueling the quantum leap demanded by NY Abortion tourism in a post-Roe America. Because of the Church, thousands more women can be served and their preborn babies saved in 2022! Here’s a look at what you did in 2021. Read more.