According to a recently released analysis of national abortion statistics, abortion is up 8% and over half are now in-home, chemical abortions.
An overturning of Roe v Wade will force the national, billion-dollar abortion business to change its service delivery strategy overnight. In-home chemical abortions, delivered by rapidly emerging, cash-only telehealth abortion businesses, are replacing surgical abortions. Online, tele-abortion businesses increased by 44% in 2021, averaging one new business per week.
CompassCare’s national telehealth strategy hacks the abortion empire’s tele-abortion plan by partnering with global telehealth businesses like Let’s Talk Interactive to deliver the 21st century tools to 650 pro-life medical centers in all 50 states in order to serve every woman in America seriously considering abortion. CompassCare CEO, Jim Harden, says, “The abortion industry’s post-Roe reality is similar to the government telling the Ford Motor Company that it can no longer have dealerships in 30 states. And now that over 50% of abortions are in-home, chemical abortions and 30 states will no longer have abortion clinics, it is only logical that federal and state funding to the abortion industry should be cut in half—especially in light of overactive inflation and rising medical costs.”
Help CompassCare expand to reach and serve even more women seriously considering abortion in NY and across the United States.