On January 19, after months of accusations regarding the politicization of the FBI for the abdication of their duty to investigate nationwide organized attacks on pro-life organizations, the agency listed 9 additional attacks targeting pro-life pregnancy centers on their Seeking Information webpage with the high-profile firebombing of the CompassCare medical office in Buffalo, NY. CEO of CompassCare, Rev. Jim Harden, has been insisting for months that if the FBI were serious about curbing the violence, they would offer $25,000 rewards for attacks on the over 100 pro-life organizations. Today, the FBI announced they are offering a cumulative total of a quarter of a million dollars reward for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrators of ten of the attacks. No arrests have been made in any of the 78 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers—despite over 186 attacks on pro-life entities and people since the leak of the Dobbs decision.
In the FBI’s press release regarding the domestic terror attacks on pro-life organizations, FBI Director Wray stated, “We will … hold responsible anyone who uses extremist views to justify their criminal actions.” Rev. Harden responds, saying, “It is heartening to see that the FBI may be realizing what pro-life people have been saying for decades: pro-abortion ideology is extreme and almost always leads to violence. If people are willing to end the life of a preborn boy or girl, threatening and attacking people who wish to protect those little ones is of little concern to them. Jane’s Revenge motto says it all, ‘If abortion isn’t safe then neither are you.’” This is just days after a concerted propaganda campaign by pro-abortion politicians and liberal media to hide the pro-abortion crime wave by painting pro-life people as violent.
The FBI’s quarter-million-dollar reward money comes after months of accusations that the FBI is biased against pro-life victims of violence. Accusations have come from not only the victims of violence such as CompassCare and Rev. Jim Harden, but also the House Judiciary Committee, U.S. Senators such as Ted Cruz, and many U.S. Congressmen. Rev. Harden is suspicious of the FBI’s latest move saying, “Doesn’t reward money seven months removed from the crime tell the world the trail has gone cold? Curiously, this move comes ahead of the House Judiciary Committee’s demands for cooperation in their inquiry into the ‘allegations of politicization and bias [against pro-life people] at the FBI.’ Adding reward money for nine more pro-life victims makes FBI Director Wray look like the hero absent results. It is a day late and a dollar short—or rather 226 days late and $1.7 million short.”
Rev. Harden speculates that after seven months of no results, no manhunt, and a serious private investigation into the attacks underway by the Thomas More Society and CompassCare, the FBI increased their reward so as not to be humiliated. Rev. Harden stated, “Given the recent aggression of pro-abortion politicians, I believe that an arrest of a pro-abortion terrorist will likely link to pro-abortion politicians and more.” Harden wonders, “If our investigation uncovers the FBI’s participation in violence against pro-life groups will they still give us the reward money? Anyway, it makes me happy to know that our investigative efforts, once successful, may be completely underwritten by FBI.”
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