Pro-life Groups Launch Private Investigation to Locate Pro-abortion Terrorists—Pro-life Strategist Predicts Increased Attacks in 2023

Over 78 Pro-life pregnancy centers have been attacked, including the firebombing of a pro-life medical network’s Buffalo office, injuring two firefighters. Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, the firebombed pro-life group, has contended for four months that the FBI is slow-walking and that their most recent posting of $25,000 reward leading to arrests of arsonists was a ruse designed to feign interest in an investigation, having no intention of making any arrests. CompassCare is partnering with the Thomas More Society to hire private investigators to find the perpetrators. Headquartered in Chicago and with offices across the country, the Thomas More Society is a national not-for-profit law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, religious liberty, and election integrity.

The FBI, after 161 days and much pressure from media and Congressional Judiciary hearings, listed the perpetrators of CompassCare’s firebombing on its Most Wanted website while both refusing to call the attack an act of domestic terror and list the other 77 attacks against Christian pro-life pregnancy centers at all.

After 6 months, the arrest tally remains at zero and death threats by pro-abortion domestic extremists continue. And while the FBI is undergoing scrutiny by the House Judiciary Committee for abdicating their duty to investigate the serial violence against pro-life Christians, pro-life CompassCare and the Thomas More Society plan to collect the FBI’s reward money to offset their own investigation expenses.

CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden says, “If the FBI is interested in quelling the nationwide hate crimes against Christian pro-life organizations, they would offer a reward for information leading to the arrests of all 78 attacks, not just for the pro-abortion terrorists who firebombed our facility. It is a sad day when private citizens are left to do the work of law enforcement. If the FBI is being used for political purposes, all investigative efforts should turn on them. The organization should be defunded and those involved indicted for conspiracy to deprive pro-life citizens of their rights.”

Rev. Harden went on to say, “Based on the political power struggle currently happening in the aftermath of Roe’s reversal and the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election, along with multiple pending investigations into multilayered pro-abortion crimes, I predict in 2023 that the pro-abortion empire and those politicians and big corporations that protect it will increase attacks against pro-life people and organizations.”

Help CompassCare expand to reach and serve even more women seriously considering abortion in NY and across the United States.

21 comments on “Pro-life Groups Launch Private Investigation to Locate Pro-abortion Terrorists—Pro-life Strategist Predicts Increased Attacks in 2023”

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