For Immediate Release: July 10, 2023
Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, predicted that attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers will shift from physical violence to pro-abortion activist litigation and legislation. This new line of attack is based on the false premise that pro-life pregnancy centers harm women by misinforming them and providing sub-standard care.
Meanwhile, a recent exposé of the private-practice abortion industry in New York, published by Ben Johnson of the Washington Stand, reveals serial malpractice in the abortion capital of the U.S., including the death of multiple women and girls with ages ranging from 13 to 40. The exposé quotes Rev. Harden, saying, “Never once has a pregnancy center sent a woman to the morgue…Compare that to the abortion industry in New York.”
Rev. Harden, author of Ethical Theory and Pertinent Standards in Women’s Reproductive Health, said in response to the exposé, “Pro-abortion activist lawyers and politicians are trying to keep pro-life pregnancy centers from protecting women facing an unplanned pregnancy with ethical medical care and community support. The medical standard of care for any patient anywhere never includes death. Women deserve informed consent. It is time to start talking about the damages caused to women by the billion-dollar abortion empire while claiming procedures like chemical abortion are ‘safer than Tylenol.’”
Rev. Harden was further quoted by The Washington Stand:
“Abortion is the original quackery. Abortion is a mercenary industry preying on women in crisis for profit and power,” Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, a New York-based coalition of pregnancy resource centers, told The Washington Stand. “I have said for years that the abortion industry represents serial medical malpractice.”
New York State is the nation’s abortion bellwether. As such, these findings are likely to reflect the tip of a nationwide scandal in all other states. Rev. Harden says, “This should be deeply concerning for every State Attorney General as well as the head of each State Department of Health. If investigations into the fraudulent practices of the abortion industry are not conducted, it only serves to further reveal that pro-abortion politicians care more about protecting the profiteering abortion empire than women whose lives are daily put at risk.”
Help CompassCare expand to reach and serve even more women seriously considering abortion in NY and across the United States.