For Immediate Release: October 10, 2023
On October 5, 2023, firebombed pro-life medical network CompassCare, filed a civil Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance Act (FACE) complaint against pro-abortion extremists in U.S. District Court, Western District of New York—Judge Lawrence J. Vilardo presiding. The Chicago-based public interest law firm, Thomas More Society, is acting as unofficial legal counsel while Ganguly Brothers, PLLC, is representing CompassCare.
Jennifer Page and Hannah Kamke of Buffalo, NY, have both been arrested in conjunction with separate actions targeting CompassCare. The lawsuit alleges:
“Defendants… violated the FACE Act by engaging in illegal conduct intended to prevent or attempt to prevent women from obtaining reproductive healthcare services provided by CompassCare, and by using threats and intimidation to prevent or attempt to prevent CompassCare staff and volunteers from providing reproductive healthcare services. Moreover, this lawsuit alleges that the defendants intentionally damaged and defaced CompassCare’s Amherst, New York clinic because CompassCare provides reproductive healthcare.”
A summons was issued by the Court to Page and Kamke on Thursday, October 5.
Since the pro-abortion prairie fire was sparked by the illegal leak of the Dobbs case overturning Roe, May 2, 2022 over 300 pro-life entities have been attacked. Jennifer Page was arrested in connection with direct action protests at CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Amherst, a first ring suburb of Buffalo, NY. Her actions involved trespassing, blocking an entrance, utilizing intimidation, and theft. Page self-identifies as Antifa on her social media accounts as well as a supporter of the extreme transgender and abortion movements. Since 2021, Page has been conspiring against CompassCare, including recruitment and leading a violent Antifa counter-protest targeting CompassCare’s family-friendly Walk for Life, resulting in the injury of a police officer.
The complaint filed notes that following her arrest, …Page provided law enforcement with information regarding two (2) potential suspects in connection with the June 7, 2022 firebombing.”
Hannah Kamke was arrested and charged with felony criminal mischief for the March 16, 2023 vandalism of CompassCare property, also a FACE Act violation. On September 15, 2023, Kamke pled guilty to disorderly conduct, agreeing to pay over $2500 in restitution. That same day, the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Assistant U.S. Attorney General Kristen Clarke—in charge of the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice—demanding her presence to answer for unequal enforcement of the law and aggressively indicting peaceful pro-lifers while ignoring organized pro-abortion fire-bombings on pro-life pregnancy centers like CompassCare.
CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden says, “It is ridiculous that as pro-life citizens we are forced to do the job of both the FBI and DOJ. The FBI refused to investigate so we hired private investigators. The DOJ refuses to indict, so we brought FACE charges.” There have been over 300 pro-abortion domestic terror attacks on pro-life entities since the leak of the Dobbs decision and only one conviction. Rev. Harden has been decrying the DOJ for abdicating its duty to enforce the law equally since August of 2022, insisting the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ, headed up by known BLM Antifa sympathizer Kristen Clarke, is intentionally deprioritizing investigations into crimes against pro-life organizations.
Despite assurances under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the DOJ is enforcing the FACE Act equally for both abortionists and pro-life medical centers, America’s chief law enforcement officer, AG Merrick Garland, refuses to indict those who attack pro-life pregnancy centers while leveraging the power of federal law enforcement against peaceful, pro-life citizens. Rev. Harden insists the “FACE Act is unconstitutional on its face” but, as long as it remains the law of the land, it must be enforced equally.
Now under threat of impeachment for this dereliction of duty, in a recent press conference Garland said, “…some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department, its components and its employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike.” He claimed allegations constitute an attack on democracy.
Rev. Harden responds to Garland’s remarks, “Garland’s denouncement of those who criticize government for abuse of power is a classic play out of Stalin’s handbook and serves to further illustrate my point since last August that federal law enforcement is politicized, which is itself a hollowing out of our free constitutional rule of law. Merrick Garland needs to be impeached and indicted for conspiracy to deprive pro-life people of equal protection under the law.”
Help CompassCare expand to reach and serve even more women seriously considering abortion in NY and across the United States.