January 10th was the first day of helping women considering abortion to have their babies in a beautifully remodeled medical office in Brooklyn, NY.Here are just two exciting stories from yesterday’s grand re-opening of CompassCare’s 44 Court Street medical office.
“Lilly” was referred to CompassCare by Sisters for Life. She had multiple abortions in the last 14 months and had just discovered that she was pregnant again. She walked into CompassCare and said, “I can’t do this…” Whirling circumstances made Lilly feel that abortion was her only choice.
During her appointment, Lilly was presented with the gospel—the good news that Jesus made a way for her to be right with God. Lilly eagerly accepted. At the end of her time with her compassionate nurse, Lilly admitted, “I don’t want to have another abortion again… It’s awful. The baby was 10 weeks old…”
Lilly will likely carry her baby and agreed to come back for a follow-up appointment with CompassCare.Perhaps the most miraculous transformation of the day came from a woman referred to CompassCare by a pregnancy resource center in Manhattan. We’ll call her Maria.
Strongly considering abortion, Maria’s heart was changed as soon as she walked into CompassCare’s waiting room! Through one of CompassCare’s Spanish translators, her nurse learned that Maria went from considering abortion to choosing life before even having an ultrasound. Praise God!
Each member of the Brooklyn team got on-the-job experience yesterday. Working from early in the morning to late at night, the whole team is excited to be helping women save the lives of their babies.
More team members are needed, especially nurses and Spanish translators in the Brooklyn office.
With over 40,000 abortions per year, NYC is the abortion capital of the globe. CompassCare’s launch in Brooklyn is the first step to capturing the abortion capital for life.
Join the team by praying, serving, or donating to save women and babies from abortion.