Will Pending Supreme Court Ruling Triggers Pro-abortion Violence Again?

June marks two-years since pro-abortion Antifa front group, Jane’s Revenge, firebombed one of CompassCare’s pro-life medical offices in Buffalo. The firebombing caused a half-million dollars in damage, injuring two firefighters in an attempt to shut down CompassCare’s free medical services. In this regard Jane’s Revenge failed totally, CompassCare rebuilding even bigger in a miraculous 52 days. The attack happened ahead of the then expected Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.

Antifa continued their rage with over 500 attacks on peaceful, pro-life people and organizations. Another potentially explosive SCOTUS abortion ruling is expected any day carrying the potential of cutting abortion in half overnight. Will the pending Supreme Court Ruling trigger pro-abortion violence against pro-lifers again?

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