Three Lives Saved—One Appointment

Abortion is a mountain only the People of God are equipped to move. And New York planted its flag on the peak of that dread mountain.

The following story illustrates both the problem and how the people of God through CompassCare are moving that mountain one life at a time…and sometimes three lives at a time.

On the heels of Juneteenth, to provide some perspective on just how big the abortion mountain is, the total number of black babies aborted in Queens every year is more than most states’ abortion totals.

But the worst offending abortion counties in America are Kings County (Brooklyn), where for every 100 black babies born nearly 100 are aborted—totaling 6,676 in 2021; and The Bronx where for every 100 black babies born 72 are aborted—totaling 3,159 in 2021.

In New York County (Manhattan), for every 100 black babies born, 116 are aborted!

CompassCare is the only pro-life medical pregnancy center in Brooklyn and The Bronx, with plans to expand to Staten Island this summer.

NYC is the most difficult place in the nation to save women and babies from abortion. But the people of God through CompassCare are snatching life from the jaws of death in this abortion capital.

And for stories like the one you are about to read, it only costs $570 to provide one woman with the life-saving medical care she needs to say no to abortion and yes to her baby. That’s just $47 per month.

Sign up to save a woman and her baby from abortion with a monthly commitment today.

In May, CompassCare launched a mobile medical unit in The Bronx, serving women right where they are. The local police precinct provided a special permit to park outside of a large abortion clinic, enabling the nurses to literally snatch life from the jaws of death.

Not only that, many women are hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the mobile medical unit, with nearly 80% of them submitting to Jesus as their Savior! Unbelievable, right?

Here’s a great testimony from last week: Kayla, in her 20’s fell away from her faith, moving to New York City she began struggling. In the midst of wrestling with her personal demons, she discovered she is pregnant.

The ultrasound on the mobile medical unit revealed a healthy 10-week-old baby.

Kayla’s nurse presented the Gospel. In the mobile medical unit just last week, she surrendered her life to Jesus. The first thing Kayla wanted to do was tell the father of the baby, who was waiting outside. Jeremy fell away from a relationship with God but at that moment, with Kayla, recommitted his life to the Lordship of Jesus.

With joy, together they decided to continue the pregnancy, saving the life of their baby.

Be part of the life-saving and life-changing journey of a woman and her baby by starting a $47 per month gift today.

Serve Women. Save Babies.

*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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