Alexis’ Story—No Freedom in Abortion

Abortion is not freedom.

After serving tens of thousands of women, CompassCare has observed that no woman really wants to have an abortion. She feels stuck, trapped, and without freedom or support—like abortion is her only escape.

Alexis’ pregnancy test was positive. Suddenly, life as she had hoped and planned it would be seemed at risk. She was still in college and being a mom wasn’t on her radar yet.

“It’s not that I don’t want children; it’s just that I’m not ready…” It’s a feeling many CompassCare patients can resonate with.

Alexis went online and ordered chemical abortion pills. Despite the lethal side effects and that it is illegal to do so, the abortionist sent her the drugs in the mail.

Alexis now found herself at a crossroads. She had the abortion pills in hand…

But something stopped her. That’s when she went online and found CompassCare.

A TeleCare nurse was able to see Alexis immediately. Alexis shared that her husband wanted her to keep the baby, but would support whatever decision Alexis made.

Still undecided, Alexis agreed to get an ultrasound at one of CompassCare’s offices. The ultrasound revealed a strong, healthy baby!

Alexis found freedom that day. She changed her mind! She said she was going to continue the pregnancy and tell her family.

This week, as we celebrate freedom, consider a donation to a woman and her baby, setting them both free from the coercive pressures of abortion.

On behalf of Alexis, her baby, and the thousands of women served so far this year, thank you for your pro-life passion!

Serve Women. Save Babies.

*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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