Danielle Started Crying

Danielle lives in sunny FL, but her life had been growing dark as she endured abuse. In the midst of this terrible situation, she became pregnant.

Danielle* was pressured into an abortion. But she couldn’t get one in FL. Because New York State, the nation’s abortion capital, has such permissive abortion laws, it turns a blind eye to women like Danielle who are victims of crimes—this can result in abusers escaping justice. This may be why Danielle found herself in New York.

Tragically, this is a common story, as NY is spending millions of dollars funding abortion-related travel.

But just when all hope seemed lost, Danielle, through God’s providence, got off the elevator on CompassCare’s floor, and walked into the Brooklyn CompassCare office.

She shared her story with the CompassCare nurse, explaining the abuse and the pressure for her to get an abortion.

CompassCare’s nurses are trained to handle highly complex situations like this, protecting the woman from harm.

Speaking to the nurse at CompassCare, Danielle said this was the first time she had felt genuine love and care since… well, she couldn’t remember.

Danielle’s nurse began the ultrasound. After just a few seconds, a healthy 12-week-old baby appeared on the screen. And then a second baby! Twins!

Danielle began weeping immediately.

“Seeing these babies on-screen changes everything!” she sobbed. “I can’t get an abortion. I’m NOT going to get an abortion.”

Danielle returned home after receiving additional resources from CompassCare. The CompassCare nursing team will follow up with her every step of the way during her pregnancy, even after she gives birth.

Pray for Danielle’s protection and comfort. Praise God for these two lives saved!

People like you ensure CompassCare is always there to save women like Danielle from abortion. You save lives through CompassCare through your prayers and support. On behalf of the 2,069 women served so far this year—1.8x more than last year—thank you!

The CompassCare Team

P.S. If you haven’t already done so, consider making a monthly donation to women and their pre-born boys and girls. The faithful team of monthly donors ensures that a woman will always be able to be served by a pro-life nurse in her hour of need. Make a life-saving gift today at give.CompassCareCommunity.com/moms-and-babies.

*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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