Pro-life Christians Battle Pro-abortion NY Attorney General in Court

Recently, NY Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against 12 pro-life organizations, including the firebombed pro-life network, CompassCare, for alleged fraud over claims that the effects of chemical abortion can be reversed.

CEO of CompassCare, Rev. Jim Harden said, “Aside the from fact that we sued Ms. James first, she is engaging in a pattern of illegal activity designed to intimidate and destroy Christian pro-life activity in the public square.”

Rev. Harden insists that an “ideological war” is being waged against pro-life Christians saying “James’ lawsuit is political activism shamelessly masquerading as law enforcement to penalize pro-life Christians for violations of her ideology, conveniently ahead of the 2024 Presidential election.” Harden continued, “Should James succeed, women will be forced to have abortions they don’t want.”

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