Afraid to Even Say “Pregnant”

As Carmilla found herself in the crowded streets of New York City, she couldn’t help but miss home.

Navigating her new reality—finding work, learning the language, renting an apartment, and more—was taking up all of her time. As ends weren’t meeting, she came to her breaking point: two pink lines on a home pregnancy test.

Carmilla’s head was spinning: “Who can I talk to? Not now. I can’t afford a baby. I just got here!” Her friends and family—the only ones who would support her—might as well have been on a different planet. With the pregnancy putting her relationship with her boyfriend, the only face she recognized in the U.S., she said to herself, “That’s it… I’m stuck. I need to have an abortion.”

One sleepless night, Carmilla searched for ways to escape her situation. It was then that she found CompassCare’s TeleCare platform.

She clicked a button to start a chat. To her relief, someone responded immediately. The friendly, professional nurse on call chatted with Carmilla. It was the first time Carmilla was able to share her fears with another person.

“I’m afraid to even say the word ‘pregnant.’”

Though she had decided to abort her baby, her CompassCare nurse kindly explained that every woman needs three questions answered before making a decision regarding her pregnancy: These questions are: 1) “Am I really pregnant?” 2) “Is my pregnancy viable?” and 3) “Do I have an STD?” This made sense to Carmilla who scheduled an appointment at one of CompassCare’s medical offices to have these questions answered.

NYC is the abortion capital of the Nation. In order to save an estimated 44,000 lives in the next 10 years just in NYC, a generous donor has committed to an unlimited, dollar-for-dollar match to expand pro-life services in NYC.

You are on track to serve 2x more women in 2024 through CompassCare. Now $47 per month equips two women with medical testing, ultrasounds, follow-up, and comprehensive community support in NYC!

The very next morning, just 15 hours after the initial on-line chat, Carmilla heard the baby’s strong heartbeat in CompassCare’s safe, clean medical office. Her boyfriend even got to see the baby on screen. In addition to the medical care she received, Carmilla’s nurse provided a specialized list of community resources from organizations and ministries, each addressing her specific needs. The list even included referrals to OB/GYNs that care for immigrants without insurance.

Carmilla felt hope. Carmilla’s nurse shared the hope of the Gospel. In that exam room, in a new country, Carmilla started her new life by surrendering her heart to Jesus Christ! Not only that, she and her boyfriend left excited to welcome their new baby into the New World. Fear was transformed into confidence that day. Your support saved a soul and spared a life. NYC is the heart of America’s abortion capital. It is where CompassCare is needed most. That’s why a generous donor has agreed to match your gift toward NYC expansion dollar-for-dollar into The Bronx and beyond!

Serve women. Save babies. Never stop.

The CompassCare Team

P.S. When you give to CompassCare’s NYC Expansion, your gift will be doubled, dollar-for-dollar. Just $47 per month now serves two women in NYC! Go to

*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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