On This Day, 52 Years Ago…

On this day 52 years ago, January 22 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States immorally and unjustly ruled “the word ‘person’ does not apply to the unborn” (Roe v Wade) This legalized the destruction of what the Supreme Court has since called “infant life” (Gonzalez v Carhart).

Thankfully, the people of God never accepted the normalization of abortion.

Roe was overturned a little over two years ago, sparking a prairie fire of attacks against pro-life people and organizations like CompassCare. The coals are still smoldering as two weeks ago federal law enforcement notified CompassCare that we are the target of cyber terrorists. Christians believe the Biblical truth that all people are made in the image of God and are infinitely valuable. This fact is the basis for America’s Constitutional Rule of Law, expressly designed to protect all people equally. 

Celebrating the birth of Martin Luther King Jr. on the same day as the inauguration of President Trump on January 20, so close to the anniversary of the start of America’s holocaust is not a coincidence outside the sovereignty of God.

It is no coincidence that during the President’s inauguration speech he declared the start of a new golden age. MLK Jr. observed, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Making America great again cannot and will not happen unless and until we make America moral again.

Valuing all people equally, without partiality, from fertilization to natural death, is the only basis for a blind justice system. But to return to respecting the dignity of all people requires, not government, but the people of God “teaching the nations all that He has commanded [us]” (Mt. 28:20a).

This means we are called to continue speaking the truth about what it means to be human under God, perhaps now a little louder, perhaps a little bolder—from the halls of government to hospital hallways, from the corporate board room to the family room, from the pastor behind the pulpit to the professor in the classroom. The Apostle Peter’s words apply just as much now in America as they did 2000 years ago, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time” (1 Pt. 5:6).

Thriving Christians and a robust Christianity is key to upholding America’s Constitutional Rule of Law which has been the modern champion for humanity. This is why one of America’s founding fathers and second President, John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Please read Rev. Jim Harden’s latest NEWSMAX Column about a practical next step President Trump can take to make America moral again to give the people of God a louder voice in re-establishing a Judeo-Christian moral framework for domestic and international policy regarding bioethical dilemmas and human rights abuses.

The need is great and the battle is raging on all fronts. Consider sponsoring a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, helping her have her baby, for just $47 per month. Serve twice as many women by donating to the NYC Expansion campaign at www.CompassCareCommunity.com/donate.