“There’s nothing you can do.”
The words hit Cheyenne* like a truck as the events of the last 36 hours flashed through her mind.
As a single mother living with her aunt, Cheyenne loves her 14-month-old baby boy, but even with her aunt’s help, it is difficult raising a child. Shocked, Cheyenne discovered she was pregnant.
Leaving her toddler with her aunt, Cheyenne hurried to her OB/GYN’s office. As she explained her situation, she was offered the first dose of a chemical abortion. The provider assured her it would be quick, easy, and that the second dose of the chemical abortion would be mailed to her home address. Not knowing what else to do, Cheyenne complied.
Like many women who started a chemical abortion, regret began to seep in even as she climbed in her Uber for the trip back from the abortionist. Fighting back lonely tears, she rode home in silence.
Once home, she called a spiritual mentor, encouraging her to find a way to reverse the abortion. They prayed together over the phone, her friend promising to continue praying for her in this difficult situation.
The next day, the abortion pills DID NOT arrive in the mail, contrary to the promise of Cheyenne’s doctor. She wondered if this was a sign from God.
At this point, Cheyenne is in a life-threatening situation, one that is all too common among women sold chemical abortion drugs. The first dose of the chemical abortion process starves the baby of progesterone, a critical, life-sustaining hormone that the mother’s body produces. If the drug is not offset by more progesterone in 24-48 hours, the baby dies. The second dose of the chemical abortion regimen causes the woman’s uterus to contract, expelling the baby. At this point, Cheyenne is halfway through a chemical abortion completely unsupervised by a doctor. Women die in situations like this.
Cheyenne called her OB, told the nurse that she regretted her decision and, since the second dose never arrived, asked if there was any way to reverse the chemical abortion.
“There’s nothing you can do.”
Cheyenne hung up the phone, feeling empty, cold, and alone.
However, she resolved to do whatever she could to save her baby. She Googled “medical abortion reversal” and quickly found CompassCare.
Within the hour, a compassionate, CompassCare nurse was listening intently to her situation. “Cheyenne, you can do this. And we’re here to help you every step of the way.”
Once at CompassCare’s office, the ultrasound revealed a 9-week-old baby, still healthy and active. Her nurse started her on emergency progesterone therapy often called “abortion pill reversal,” and even provided her with a comprehensive list of resources, tailored to her specific life needs.
When Cheyenne called her OB to schedule her next appointment, the nurse was shocked to hear that Cheyenne was still pregnant. “CompassCare helped me save my baby,” Cheyenne said confidently. “Many people have two babies at once, and I’m excited to see my son become a big brother!”
Without the passion of pro-life Christians like you, Cheyenne’s story may have ended very differently—both for her and her baby.
People like you are the life-saving difference in a woman’s life, giving her hope when she is told there is none. Serve women. Save babies.
The CompassCare Team
P.S. Sponsor a woman like Cheyenne for a full year with a gift of $47 per month. When you start a monthly gift, you will receive a signed copy of Rev. Jim Harden’s book “Are You Pro-life for the Right Reasons?” Click here to give now.
*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.
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