New AG Pursues Justice for Embattled Pro-life Christians

For Immediate Release: February 6, 2025

On February 5, 2025, new Attorney General Pam Bondi sent a Memorandum for all departments and employees of the Department of Justice to investigate the unequal and draconian use of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, making political examples of disfavored pro-life Christians.

There have been over 500 attacks against pro-life organizations and churches since the illegal leak of the Dobbs decision, overturning Roe. v Wade. It appears only four incidents met with indictments and that only after pressure from the Senate and House Judiciary Committees demanding equal enforcement of the law. The most egregious of the attacks was the brutal firebombing of CompassCare’s Buffalo, NY medical office, injuring two firefighters. Jane’s Revenge, an Antifa terrorism front group, took responsibility for the attack as the coordinated fulfillment of their 30-day ultimatum: “We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics … within the next thirty days…” After the attack, the FBI commandeered CompassCare’s private security footage, failing to review it for at least five weeks and disallowing CompassCare access to the footage. This resulted in the case going cold, CompassCare being forced to sue for access to their private, security footage, and the hiring of a private investigator.

President Trump issued a directive to the DOJ last week requiring that FACE indictments only proceed under “significant aggravating factors,” including bodily injury or severe property damage. Rev. Jim Harden says, “The attacks on CompassCare meet both criteria. Given the vast resources of the FBI, it is likely they know who firebombed us. I am calling on AG Bondi as the nation’s top law enforcement officer to demand the FBI provide the names of the firebombers to pave the way for indictments of these domestic terrorists.”

Rev. Harden is hopeful given AG Bondi’s announced effort to “restore and reconcile” the values of the DOJ through a very thorough review of abuse of power, including the launch of a “Weaponization Working Group.” After the firebombing and despite strong pressure from the FBI to stay quiet, Rev. Harden exposed the injustice through hundreds of media engagements. Biden’s FBI slow-walked investigations into the firebombing while the DOJ refused to indict the terrorists on FACE violations.

Meanwhile, at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6, President Trump promised an “[immediate] halt on all forms of anti-Christian targeting and discrimination within the federal government.” This on the heels of pardoning 23 peaceful, pro-life Christians wrongfully imprisoned by Biden’s DOJ on illegitimate FACE Act charges. These arrests began shortly after Rev. Jim Harden warned that character assassination would be the next step of a politicized DOJ/FBI once it became obvious they had been politicized.

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