The multi-billion-dollar abortion empire is headquartered in the Empire State. New York is the abortion capital of the nation, facilitating up to 90% of U.S. abortions. Both Planned Parenthood, responsible for 40% of all abortions nationally, and pharmaceutical company Danco Labs responsible for chemical abortion, representing 63% of abortions nationally, are headquartered in Manhattan. According to New York State Vital Statistics, Brooklyn is the heart of America’s abortion capital with more abortions than any county in the U.S. The Goliath’s strongest competition in New York, CompassCare Pregnancy Services, is the only medical alternative for women considering abortion in Brooklyn. Additionally, CompassCare provides thousands of women with medical care and community support through TeleCare and offices in the largest major abortion hub cities of Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and soon in the Bronx.
Save 2 times more women and babies from abortion through CompassCare at 2X.Life.