Tragedy to Hope

The circumstances leading to Ashley’s pregnancy were awful. Without going into detail, she was the victim of a heinous crime. Ashley found herself in a state of distress and unsupported.

It cannot be understated that a preborn baby, no matter how he or she is conceived, is made in the Image of God and deserving of blessing and protection. That baby’s mom deserves the same blessing and protection, too.

Through CompassCare, you provide every mom and her baby with the dignity, medical care, and support she needs to face her situation.

You are on track to serve 2x more women in 2024 through CompassCare.
Just $570—$47 per month—equips a woman with medical testing, ultrasounds, follow-up, and comprehensive community support.

Thankfully, someone Ashley trusted knew about CompassCare. They invited Ashley to visit a CompassCare office and even offered to go with her.

At CompassCare, Ashley told her nurse that she was very anxious—even petrified. Ashley didn’t know for certain if she was pregnant. Ashley said to her nurse, “If I am pregnant, I don’t really want an abortion.”

Ashley was pregnant. The ultrasound revealed a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat. In that moment, Ashley’s countenance changed dramatically. Her fear seemed to melt away. A smile. Then some tears.

In that exam room, Ashley heard the Good News of the Gospel and submitted her life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Ashley was able to receive hope in the midst of her tragedy. She is now excited to start this new chapter of life with her baby.

It takes just $47 per month to serve a woman with pro-life ethical medical care and community resources for a year. Will you be the one to open the door for another woman and her baby to receive hope through CompassCare?

Thousands of women consider abortion every day. Like Ashley, they don’t want an abortion, but feel stuck, trapped, or coerced into aborting their babies. Through CompassCare, you stand with one woman and one baby at a time, giving joy where there once was despair; peace where there was chaos—because that is what Christ does for us.

Serve women. Save babies. Never stop.

The CompassCare Team

P.S. Women and babies need life-saving medical care and community support—and perhaps nowhere more than in the abortion capital of the nation, NY. A monthly gift of $47 will ensure CompassCare can serve as many women as possible for as long as possible. Go to

*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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