U.S. Abortion Reduction Plan

In a post-Roe America, the abortion battle lines dramatically shifted in two ways:

  • New York, the abortion capital of the U.S., expects 30,000 more abortions each year as women seeking abortion travel from conservative states to abortion-hub states;
  • Nationally, in view of losses of surgical abortion, the abortion industry is pivoting to in-home chemical abortions.

Because CompassCare saw the likelihood of Roe’s overturn, a plan was developed and is being deployed to compete head-on with the billion-dollar abortion industry. In order to do this, the Church through CompassCare must reach 975,000 women per year by:

  • Expanding pro-life infrastructure in the abortion capital of the U.S., and;
  • Giving 650 pro-life medical pregnancy centers nationwide the twenty-first century telehealth tools to be the first to reach and serve women considering abortion.

CompassCare’s Plan to Compete Head-On with the Abortion Industry

  1. Expand Pro-Life Infrastructure in the Abortion Capital of the US: New York


The Church in Buffalo broke ground on August 1st to expand CompassCare’s pro-life medical office by 30%, enabling more women considering abortion to be served in person and online through telehealth.


The Church in Albany is expanding pro-life service capacity with the goal of reducing abortion in NY’s Capital Region by 50% in 5 years.

  1. Expand Pro-Life Service Capacity Nationally through Telehealth

The Church through CompassCare and our global telehealth partner is giving 650 pro-life medical pregnancy centers the twenty-first century telehealth tools to serve every woman considering abortion in America before she travels or the lethal chemical abortion drugs are mailed to her home. By 2025, the Church will be able to reach and serve nearly one million women per year. CompassCare is beginning by giving telehealth to ten medical pregnancy centers in the following regions: New York City, NY; Western and Central NY; Washington, DC; Philadelphia, PA; Northern VA; Naples, FL; Los Angeles, CA; Boston, MA; and Batton Rouge, LA.

Learn more at CompassCareCommunity.com/TeleCare.