The Infinite Value of Gianna and Her Baby

Gianna couldn’t stop sobbing. “CompassCare is a safe place, you can cry here,” her CompassCare nurse assured her.

The first trimester nausea was continual. Her boyfriend was expressionless. Gianna’s own mother had stopped all communication weeks ago. She felt lonely, trapped, confused, and literally sick to her stomach.

Gianna found CompassCare online. She called the number, and was able to be seen that day. Her compassionate nurse walked her through the appointment, offering suggestions to battle the nausea and confirming her pregnancy via the ultrasound.

When Gianna saw the baby on screen, she was stunned. She became very interested in knowing about her baby. As her nurse explained the development of her baby, explaining the ultrasound. Gianna gravitated towards a small, 3D model of a baby at the same stage as hers.

In fact, she held that little model for nearly an hour!

“There’s a real baby growing inside me…” she said, processing her thoughts aloud.

With each new piece of information and with the knowledge that she was no longer alone, Gianna gained confidence she didn’t know was there. “My heart says I cannot abort this baby,” Gianna finally admitted. “Even if my boyfriend isn’t on board, I’m going to be the best mom I can be.”

She’ll meet with the CompassCare resource coordinator in the weeks ahead to provide valuable community resources, and to help her find an obstetrician.

As you may know, CompassCare nurses share the hope of the Gospel with every patient. Gianna hadn’t been to church in years, but this baby made her think about God more and more. The nurse prayed with her and Gianna surrendered her life to the Lordship of Jesus. She looks forward to going back to church in the weeks ahead.

The CompassCare Team

P.S. Register for the Walk for Life Weekend to support women and their babies, teaching the world that all people are infantilely valued! Go to to learn more!

*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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