This week, CompassCare cut the ribbon on two new medical offices in America’s largest abortion hubs—Brooklyn and The Bronx. Click the video below to watch the Grand Opening ceremony in The Bronx!
The new offices are the only medical alternative to abortion for women in each borough, the two largest abortion hubs in America. Through these offices, CompassCare is providing women millions of dollars’ worth of free, life-saving medical care. Members of the community, political leaders, local church pastors, members of other pro-life partnering organizations, staff, and volunteers attended the two Grand Openings.
Watch the Grand Opening in The Bronx! (23 min)
EWTN Coverage
The Currents News Coverage
Pro-abortion politicians which have attacked pro-life groups in New York like CompassCare, such as Kathy Hochul, Letitia James, Hakeem Jeffries, Yvette Clarke, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, and AOC were all invited but refused to attend or express gratitude for the hard work and generosity of the Church through CompassCare, providing their constituents with valued health care.
At the time of The Bronx Grand Opening, Rev. Harden was sniped by pro-abortion media for encouraging US Attorney General Pam Bondi to enforce the Comstock Act—a move that would halt the illegal shipment of chemical abortion nationally. Rev. Harden responded to the attack, “We must have hit a nerve. CompassCare will continue doing what needs to be done—serving women in America’s abortion capital. And CompassCare will continue saying what needs to be said—that all people are made in God’s Image, infinitely valued.”
Chairman of The Bronx Conservative Party’s Executive Committee, Patrick McManus said at The Bronx Grand Opening, “Myself as well as the Bronx County Conservative Party, rejoice in the opening of CompassCare [in the Bronx]. They will undoubtedly educate many young women about the alternatives to abortion that are available to them. This will save hundreds of women from carrying the psychological scars which many suffer after having an abortion.”
Pastor Ron George said at the Brooklyn Grand Opening, “We have seen women in Brooklyn who have been broken by abandonment, loneliness, and the cares of this life—the cares of this world—and without hope. And we know hope comes from Christ. I see the service—the love—the desire [CompassCare] has to save babies and to help women, to truly help women. We are believing that broken women are going to come and find healing and restoration when they come through these doors.”
Eileen Slattery, wife of the late humanitarian hero Chris Slattery also attended the Bronx Grand Opening. Rev. Jim Harden presented memorial plaques at each of the Grand Openings to honor Chris’s legacy, saving over 46,000 lives from abortion.
Rev. Harden says, “It is never popular to take a public stand against systemic injustice… I loved this about Chris. He was willing to offend in order to mend the gangrenous human wound of abortion. The truth is, either we believe all people are made in God’s image and are therefore equally valuable without qualification or equality is just a farcical tune to which fools dance.”
Serve women and save babies in America’s abortion capital while proclaiming the infinite value of all human life by registering for the Walk for Life Weekend today!
The CompassCare Team
Register for the Walk for Life Weekend to support women and their babies, teaching the world that all people are infantilely valued!