Author Archives: Jim Harden

Abortion Stats & Trends

Expanded Transcript New York remains the abortion capital of the U.S. with more abortions occurring on a per capita basis than any other state. Abortion is trending down for the seventh consecutive year. The 2015 data reveal that the number of abortions statewide hit another all-time low since abortion was legalized in 1970 (NY legalized

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An Introduction

  Full Transcript Many are not aware that a California court dismissed 14 of 15 charges brought by California Attorney General against journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for their expose of Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking in aborted baby body parts, or that private pharmacists in Washington State are being forced against their convictions to

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Batman vs. Superman & Abortion

Remember when you were a kid and you’d get in heated debates about which superhero was stronger, or whose bicycle was faster? You might have begun with objective sounding statements of pseudo-fact that demonstrate why the considerable innate powers of Superman are superior to the brainy and well-funded technology of Batman. Meanwhile your friend would

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Will Same-Sex “Marriage” Increase Abortion?

CompassCare is concerned about marriage. The Bible begins and ends with it. That is sermon enough. Historically, marriage is the first of all human institutions and of foremost importance to any thriving society. If CompassCare’s mission is to ‘erase the need for abortion,’ why does marriage matter? Because healthy societies, like electric lights, are only

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Should Planned Parenthood Be Defunded?

The undercover videos about Planned Parenthood (PP) are generating a lot of angst for the average American. Many are unsettled and some are downright outraged. And why shouldn’t they be? It is unnerving to think that women’s ‘reproductive freedom’ has grown to the scale of industrialized trafficking in baby body parts. It is disturbing to

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Supreme Court’s Same-sex Marriage Ruling Seriously Harms Religious Liberty

America changed. What we used to celebrate on the 4th of July is the inception of a government by the people and for the people, citizens of equal value under God as ensured by the rule of law – the Constitution. For the first time since the Dred Scott v. Sandford case fueling a Civil

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