Author Archives: Jim Harden

Lend to the Lord: Proverbs 19:17

In the last five years over 10,000 women at risk for abortion have gone on to have their babies nationwide because of CompassCare! In fact, Monroe County, home of CompassCare, now has the lowest abortion rate in 40 years. There is not enough room to list all the amazing things the CompassCare team has done

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Christmas: A Battleground for Life

What were the times like that first Christmas? Certainly the first public proclamation of Jesus’ birth by the angel to the lowly shepherds was a sign of ‘good news and great joy for all the people’ (Luke 2: 10). It is no coincidence that lowly shepherds were given the honor as the first recipients of

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CompassCare Christmas Wish List

Marketing Spend per Woman $49   Women facing unplanned pregnancy make an abortion decision within 24 hours of their first home pregnancy test. It is critical that she can find CompassCare when she is desperately searching for answers. CompassCare’s marketing team is working hard to do just that. With an aggressive online advertising campaign, and

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Obamacare, Abortion, and Your Choices

Obamacare creates a moral crisis for America and every Christian, not only forcing us to pay for the destruction of the most vulnerable human life, but making it illegal or difficult not to do so. Everyone will fall into one of the five decisions categories below either intentionally or unintentionally. CompassCare is committed to helping

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At the Heart of the Government Shutdown; Obamacare and Abortion

You and I are being forced to make a choice. Obamacare brazenly mandates that all U.S. citizens purchase health insurance that directly pays for abortion and abortion-causing ‘birth control,’ or face stiff financial penalties. This violates the religious beliefs and moral convictions of millions of Americans. Curiously, Planned Parenthood (PP), the nation’s largest abortion provider,

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“Whoever Saves One Life Saves the World Entire”

America’s abortion laws are some of the most inhumane on Earth. European, South American and African countries all have stronger laws protecting pre-born children and their mothers. Knowing that America has altogether dehumanized the pre-born boy and girl encouraging an ‘anything goes’ mentality, the great challenge of our day may prove to be the greatest

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Does the Bible Say When Human Life Begins?

I was asked this question just recently when a small group leader in an otherwise pro-life church stated that she thought abortion is not wrong according to the Bible. Her basic rationale for her position was that human life did not begin until a person took their first breath. She supported her theory with Genesis

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Contraception, Obamacare, and Cuomo

While different forms of contraception have been used throughout history and in many different cultures, the term “birth control” was coined in America in the early 1900s by Margaret Sanger, foundress of the  the American Birth Control League (ABCL). “We who advocate Birth Control…lay all our emphasis upon stopping not only the reproduction of the

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