Author Archives: CompassCare

Abortion Tourism Has Begun?

Prior to the 1973 Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion on the federal level, only a handful of states permitted the practice, including New York. This created an abortion tourism dynamic as women traveled to New York from other states to get their abortions. Recent years have seen a trend of conservative states restricting abortion. Women

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OK Joins Host of Other States Banning Abortion After Baby’s Heartbeat Starts

On April 26 Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill banning abortions after a baby’s heartbeat starts. In doing so, Oklahoma joins a host of states such as North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Iowa, Tennessee and others in protecting preborn children from abortion. Abortions cannot be performed without confirmation of pregnancy.  Pregnancy is confirmed by

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Abortion Biz CEO Owns Up to Racist History

On April 17 the New York Times published an article by Planned Parenthood Federation’s CEO, Alexis McGill Johnson. Johnson said it was finally time for Planned Parenthood to stop hiding the eugenic and deeply racist principles promoted by their founder, Margaret Sanger, which have been perpetuated by generations of Planned Parenthood leadership. The largest abortion

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New York Legislature Targets Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Again

A New York bill targeting pro-life pregnancy centers for investigation passed the health committee with a vote strictly along party lines, Democrats voting for and Republicans voting against. Pregnancy centers are small non-profits providing women facing unplanned pregnancy with the resources she needs for her and her baby to thrive. These organizations are all privately

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