Author Archives: CompassCare

HHS Says Abortion is Not a Human Right

Under Obamacare the definition of sex discrimination changed to include abortion. So, if a medical provider refused to refer or provide abortion then that refusal could be interpreted as a civil rights violation–an act of sex discrimination. In effect, this regulation makes abortion a human right. New York’s 2019 Reproductive Health Act had the same

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Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dies

Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, died on September 18. Trump expects to nominate her successor on Saturday. Ginsburg is widely known for redefining God-given freedom as government license. The Supreme Court’s role is designed to safeguard the citizen’s God-given, Constitutional rights from legislative encroachment. Ginsburg was a controversial figure precisely because many of her

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Planned Parenthood Admits Racist Foundations

The nation’s largest Planned Parenthood affiliate, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, announced the removal of the name of the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger, from its flagship office in Manhattan. Angry staff blew the whistle on past and current racism stating, “Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist, white woman. That is a part of

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Abortion at the Gate of High Political Office

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced his pro-abortion running mate recently, California Senator Kamala Harris. One news agency says the move makes this “the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in American history.” Since then, the National Abortion Rights Action League committed to “powering Vice President Biden to victory this November.” Why does abortion stand at the

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