Author Archives: CompassCare

Abortionist Plans Two Abortions on One Woman – CompassCare Intervenes

Abortionist Plans Two Abortions on One Woman – CompassCare Intervenes

The test was positive. Simone stares at the home pregnancy test, not sure how to feel. She wants to be happy but instead she feels a combination of cautious hope and overwhelming dread. With a not yet one-year-old and another young child at home, Simone fears life could become overwhelming but she loves children. On

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Will Abortion Be Outlawed?

  In June, Supreme Court pro-abortion Justice Anthony Kennedy retired. Ironically he did so after a stern warning to liberal states like California not to go the route of tyrannical regimes by targeting the faith of pro-life pregnancy centers. Now President Trump seeks the confirmation of a pro-life replacement for Kennedy. Many pro-abortion politicians such

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In Vitro Fertilization and Abortion

  The science of embryology shows that a unique human life begins at fertilization. Each Invitro Fertilization process then includes up to four points at which preborn babies are aborted. Once the lab techs fertilize the eggs with the sperm multiple embryos are created. Those embryos are then rated for ‘viability’ and tested for any

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