Category Archives: Abortion

Biden Administration and Pro-abortion Politicians Admit to Dangers of Chemical Abortion

In response to a letter signed by 83 pro-abortion politicians, the Biden Administration expressed intentions to declare a limited public health emergency under the PREP Act because up to 26 states have or are considering outlawing the practice of abortion. The declaration of a public health emergency requires the presence of a disease or bioterrorist

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Are Pro-abortion Antics Distracting from Abortion Industry Sex Crime Cover-up?

The mainstream media and President Biden exploited the plight of a 10-year-old sex crime victim for their post-Roe abortion agenda, mourning the hardships faced by women, like this 10-year-old girl, now forced to travel across state lines to get an abortion. But then they suddenly stopped talking about it after an investigation was launched by

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83 Congressmen Attempt to Hold Health Care Hostage in the Name of Abortion

On July 8th, President Joe Biden signed an executive order, declaring that the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health ruling will “continue to have devastating implications…” even calling the situation a “health crisis.” Four days later, on July 12th, 83 pro-abortion congressmen sent an open letter to Biden and the Secretary of the Department

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Is it Possible that the Abortion Industry is Complicit in Covering up Sex Crimes?

An Indiana abortionist allegedly listed as a minor the 27-year-old rapist of a 10-year-old girl. The girl was impregnated and transported across state lines from Ohio to Indiana. CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, expert in medical ethics and women’s reproductive health care, encouraged law enforcement and mainstream media to ask pertinent questions in order to

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Mainstream Media and Biden Administration Exploit 10-Year-Old Sex Crime Victim

In May of this year, Jane’s Revenge gave pro-life pregnancy centers an ultimatum: disband in 30 days or face the consequences. Now after over 70 attacks nationwide, rather than protect pro-life organizations and people under attack, pro-abortion politicians and main stream media outlets seem to have joined Jane’s Revenge rally cry.

Pro-Abortion Politicians and the Abortion Empire Coerce Women into Getting Abortions

In May of this year, Jane’s Revenge gave pro-life pregnancy centers an ultimatum: disband in 30 days or face the consequences. Now after over 70 attacks nationwide, rather than protect pro-life organizations and people under attack, pro-abortion politicians and main stream media outlets seem to have joined Jane’s Revenge rally cry.

Abortion Industry Engaged in Consumer Fraud

Chemical abortion now accounts for over half of all abortion in America. A study of women in Finland reveals chemical abortion is 400% more dangerous than surgical. Yet abortion businesses claim that “The Abortion Pill is Safer than Tylenol,” Is the abortion industry engaged in consumer fraud? Pro-abortion politicians such as NY Attorney General, Letitia James, and

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Pro-Abortion Politicians Declare War on Christian, Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

In May of this year, Jane’s Revenge gave pro-life pregnancy centers an ultimatum: disband in 30 days or face the consequences. Now after over 70 attacks nationwide, rather than protect pro-life organizations and people under attack, pro-abortion politicians and main stream media outlets seem to have joined Jane’s Revenge rally cry.

Pro-Abortion Politicians Plan their Own Summer Rage—Pro-Abortion Terrorists Increase Threats

The pro-abortion terrorist group known as Jane’s Revenge has declared “open season” on pro-life pregnancy centers, increasing their threats on pro-life people and organizations. Meanwhile the mainstream media and pro-abortion politicians are engaging in their own open season against the same pro-life pregnancy centers. Letitia James, NY Attorney General, joined twenty-one other State Attorneys General

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Proliferation of Mass Shootings Related to Abortion?

The latest mass shooting in Suburban Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend brings the national toll of mass shootings so far this year to 309. CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, insists that the root cause of the proliferation of this violence is the same reason abortion is promoted: the devaluation of human life. The

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