Category Archives: Abortion

BREAKING: Abortion Down 25% in NY – U.S. Abortion Capital

Breaking: July 7, 2017 Rochester, NY—New York Vital Statistics for 2015 published Friday (July 7) revealed yet another drop in abortion for New York State. New York City data is published separately. Taken together the data reveals the number of abortions statewide plunged 25%, another all-time low since abortion was legalized in 1970 with a

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Breaking: Pregnancy Centers Forced to Refer for Abortions?

BREAKING: A CompassCare trained pregnancy center suspended their services in Illinois because a new law requires them to refer for abortion. Illinois is one of several states that have become aggressive toward pro-lifers, either by eliminating conscience rights for medical professionals who object to abortion (WA and IL) or by attacking pregnancy centers who empower

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