Category Archives: Abortion

NY Abortion Rates Fell 21%…Rochester Drops by 42%

For Immediate Release: April 6, 2016 Contact: James R. Harden, M.Div. President/CEO, CompassCare (585) 232-3894 | | | Twitter @compasscare Rochester, NY—New York Vital Statistics for 2014 published Monday (April 4) revealed yet another drop in abortion for New York State. The data reveals that the number of abortions statewide hit an all-time low

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“I don’t think God would want me to have an abortion; my baby is alive.”

CompassCare’s exam rooms are on the frontline of the worldview war taking place in America. Almost every woman comes to CompassCare with the clear understanding that a baby is growing inside of them, often openly expressing this to their nurse. But their situation eclipses that knowledge in the darkness of believing their life will be

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Batman vs. Superman & Abortion

Remember when you were a kid and you’d get in heated debates about which superhero was stronger, or whose bicycle was faster? You might have begun with objective sounding statements of pseudo-fact that demonstrate why the considerable innate powers of Superman are superior to the brainy and well-funded technology of Batman. Meanwhile your friend would

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Planned Parenthood Attacked By One of Their Own

What should we think of the mass shooting at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood office killing three injuring nine? After praying for the families of the victims we can’t help but reflect on the tragedy. Upon his arrest the shooter, Robert Dear, was reported to have said, “No more baby parts” likely referring to the

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