Category Archives: Blog Posts

Victims of Buffalo Pro-abortion Arson Say DOJ Should Not Charge Attackers for FACE Act Violations

CEO of CompassCare, a national pro-life network whose medical center in Buffalo, NY was brutally firebombed on June 7, 2022, demands the Department of Justice not charge the arsonists with FACE Act violations. Recently, two pro-abortion activists associated with the domestic terrorist group known as Jane’s Revenge in Florida were indicted by the DOJ with

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RNC Admits Midterm Mistake—Going on the Offensive Against Abortion in 2024

On January 30, the Republican National Committee (RNC) passed a resolution affirming the Republican Party’s heritage to protect all people equally. In the wake of the lackluster 2022 Midterms, the RNC acknowledged the reason for Republican losses saying candidates failed to “[fight] back and [expose] Democratic extremism on abortion.” The party is reaffirming their 2004

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PA Pro-Lifer Exonerated—Hung Jury’s Further Deliberation Leads to Innocent Verdict

A hung jury was the result of a hearing in federal court of a pro-life Pennsylvania man on Friday, January 27 in the case United States of America v. Mark Houck. U.S. District Judge Gerard Pappert requested the jury take the weekend and then return Monday, January 30 at 9:30 A.M. to reconsider. After further

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Crazed Planned Parenthood Arsonist Arrested After 9 Days—Connected to Jane’s Revenge?

On January 24, Tyler W. Massengill was arrested for allegedly starting a fire at a Peoria, IL Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on January 15. The Department of Justice’s press release includes the criminal complaint, written by FBI Special Agent, Ronald Stout. According to fire officials, the fire caused approximately $150,000 of damage—though Planned Parenthood claims

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DOJ Makes First-Ever Indictment of Abortion Extremists Attacking Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

On January 18, the first indictment of pro-abortion extremists for attacks on Christian pro-life pregnancy centers was made. The pro-abortion extremists and their “known and unknown co-conspirators” indicted allegedly targeted pro-life pregnancy centers in southern Florida consistent with abortion extremist domestic terror group Jane’s Revenge in violation of the Clinton-era Federal Freedom of Access to

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Biden Administration Directs Homeland Security to Attack Pro-Life People—Protect Chemical Abortion

On Sunday, January 22, the anniversary of Roe v Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion, President Joe Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum directing the Department of Justice, Attorney General, and the Secretary Department of Homeland Security to do two things: 1) protect the distribution of dangerous chemical abortion drugs and 2) attack pro-life

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9 New $25,000 Rewards Offered by FBI for Information in Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorism Cases

On January 19, after months of accusations regarding the politicization of the FBI for the abdication of their duty to investigate nationwide organized attacks on pro-life organizations, the agency listed 9 additional attacks targeting pro-life pregnancy centers on their Seeking Information webpage with the high-profile firebombing of the CompassCare medical office in Buffalo, NY. CEO

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Abortionist Firebombed—Arrest Imminent

Sunday, January 15, at 11:30 P.M. the abortion business Planned Parenthood in Peoria, IL was firebombed. Similar attacks have occurred against 78 pro-life medical offices and pregnancy centers nationwide since the leak of the Supreme Court ruling overturning the longstanding abortion ruling Roe v Wade. The abortion anarchist group Jane’s Revenge claimed responsibility and threatens

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Pro-abortion Politicians Christianize Abortion to Criminalize Pro-lifers

On January 11 the 118th Congress passed H.R. 26, a bill dubbed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Democrats voted in lockstep, utilizing a new strategy. A floor speech by newly elected Rep. Hillary Scholten of MI, prior to the vote, underscored pro-abortion Democrat’s newest ploy to Christianize abortion, undermining the equality of all human

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