Category Archives: Blog Posts

NY Governor Kathy Hochul Robs Women of Critical Resources, Signing Pregnancy Center Investigation Bill

At noon on Monday, June 13, instead of allocating state resources to investigate criminal arson attacks at CompassCare’s medical office in Buffalo, Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill that investigates pro-life pregnancy centers. Far from denouncing the violence, Kathy Hochul’s first action in the face of CompassCare’s firebombing is to use tax-payer dollars to attack

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Tensions Rise Ahead of Roe Reversal – CompassCare CEO Family Relocates Under Threat of Intimidation

Tensions Rise Ahead of Roe Reversal – CompassCare CEO Family Relocates Under Threat of Intimidation

The Supreme Court is expected to release their ruling potentially overturning Roe v. Wade today, June 13 or Wednesday, June 15. Tensions are rising as pro-abortion activists plan to shut down all activity around the Supreme Court in anticipation of that release. Abortion terrorist group “Jane’s Revenge” is promoting a “Night of Rage” the evening

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Buffalo Firebombing Police Report Expected

On Tuesday, after the firebombing of CompassCare’s medical office on 1230 Eggert Road in Buffalo, local police set the expectation that a report of their investigation should be released by today at the latest. So far Amherst Police and the FBI have been investigating the complexities of the arson attack as well as analyzing detailed

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Abortion Industry Scrambles, Their Activists Escalate Violence

According to a bulletin issued by the National Terrorism Advisory System, more attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers are expected. CompassCare urges pregnancy centers around the nation to continue serving women while taking added security precautions. CompassCare in Buffalo has been forced to go to a secure, undisclosed location to protect women and the health services

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New Yorkers Rally to Keep Serving Women After Firebombing

Early Tuesday morning, abortion arsonists firebombed CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo. Their intent was to keep CompassCare from providing for the unmet health and resource needs of women facing unplanned pregnancy. They did not succeed. The day of the firebombing, the Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning of additional attacks of pro-life

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Violence to Pro-life Pregnancy Centers a National Trend

Violence to Pro-life Pregnancy Centers a National Trend

Acts of abortion terrorism against peaceful pro-life pregnancy centers are now a national trend. Attacks are being investigated by local and federal agencies in New York, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Oregon, Texas, DC, and Virginia. According to a bulletin issued the day of the firebombing of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo by the National Terrorism Advisory

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Hochul and Dems Refusing to Denounce Violence Against Pro-life Medical Office

At 3:00 A.M. yesterday morning, abortion terrorists broke glass, firebombing CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo. The signature graffiti message left by the criminals reads, “Jane Was Here” referring to the terrorist organization Jane’s Revenge. The group continues to incite their followers to engage in what they are calling a “Night of Rage.” The Amherst

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Update from CompassCare CEO on Abortion Terrorism Group Firebombing Buffalo Office

CompassCare Will Not Stop Serving Women and Saving Babies CompassCare is assessing the damage done to the medical office by the arson attack.  It will take months and hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair.  The intent of this attack was to stop CompassCare from helping women have their babies. It did not succeed. As we write

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CompassCare’s Buffalo Office Firebombed by Abortion Terrorists

Early this morning police and firefighters responded to smoke at CompassCare’s Buffalo office. The building was firebombed. The windows in the reception room and nurses’ office were broken and fires lit. Graffiti on the building left by the arsonists refers to the abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge reading, “Jane Was Here.” The group took responsibility

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