Category Archives: Blog Posts

A Miracle in the Making

A miracle happened in Rochester and it is happening again in Buffalo. The scope of CompassCare’s services include not only reaching and serving women seriously considering abortion in Rochester, but also two other major ministry elements: 1) helping Pregnancy Decision Centers get better at reaching and serving women and 2) educating the community about the inestimable worth of each human life. Over the course of the last year another field of missional harvest was added to CompassCare’s approach – Buffalo. So, what is the miracle?

Is the Church Ready for Abortion Tourism?

New York (NY) State has more abortions per capita than any other state in the union. At the same time, pro-life pregnancy centers in NY have the capacity to serve only a minuscule percentage of women considering abortion…except in Rochester, home of CompassCare. The pro-life infrastructure in NY is so small it is like trying to douse a house engulfed in flames with the bucket of suds left over from washing the car in the driveway.