Category Archives: Blog Posts

Planned Parenthood Attacked By One of Their Own

What should we think of the mass shooting at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood office killing three injuring nine? After praying for the families of the victims we can’t help but reflect on the tragedy. Upon his arrest the shooter, Robert Dear, was reported to have said, “No more baby parts” likely referring to the

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Will Same-Sex “Marriage” Increase Abortion?

CompassCare is concerned about marriage. The Bible begins and ends with it. That is sermon enough. Historically, marriage is the first of all human institutions and of foremost importance to any thriving society. If CompassCare’s mission is to ‘erase the need for abortion,’ why does marriage matter? Because healthy societies, like electric lights, are only

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Should Planned Parenthood Be Defunded?

The undercover videos about Planned Parenthood (PP) are generating a lot of angst for the average American. Many are unsettled and some are downright outraged. And why shouldn’t they be? It is unnerving to think that women’s ‘reproductive freedom’ has grown to the scale of industrialized trafficking in baby body parts. It is disturbing to

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“Same-Sex Marriage” and Abortion

The Supreme Court reflected back America’s cultural malaise in law on June 26, in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, wherein they decreed a new right to “same-sex marriage.” The court held that the purpose of marriage was the emotional well-being of individuals. Yet across all nations, religions, and cultures marriage has always been understood as

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Supreme Court’s Same-sex Marriage Ruling Seriously Harms Religious Liberty

America changed. What we used to celebrate on the 4th of July is the inception of a government by the people and for the people, citizens of equal value under God as ensured by the rule of law – the Constitution. For the first time since the Dred Scott v. Sandford case fueling a Civil

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Why Are You Passionate?

“Dad, are dragons real?” My 6 year old son asked me this question in our back yard one evening by a campfire. I looked my son square in the eye and said, “Yes they are.” But before I could explain what I meant tears of fear welled up in his eyes as he ran inside

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