Category Archives: Patient Stories

Star’s Story: TeleCare Victory

“I don’t think I can do this…” Star told her TeleCare Nurse. Star came to a CompassCare TeleCare appointment, like women throughout NY, across the nation, and around the globe, considering abortion. Star scheduled her virtual appointment with her Care Coordinator and, within minutes, was talking to a caring and compassionate Nurse. During her appointment,

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Abortion-Minded Woman Finds CompassCare | Life-Saving Services Expanding into NYC

Evelin is still in high school. One day, she started experiencing unusual symptoms. She quickly realized that she may be pregnant. Shocked and overwhelmed, Evelin’s mind raced about her unknown future. Like many women experiencing unplanned pregnancy, abortion loomed large in her mind. Evelin confided in her best friend, Sarah. Together, they researched available resources. Thankfully,

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“I Really Want to Keep My Baby…”

Marianna called CompassCare to schedule an appointment. Suspecting she may be pregnant, she wanted to confirm her pregnancy and confided that she needed a safe place to learn about her options. Her boyfriend was pressuring her to get an abortion she didn’t want. After arriving at CompassCare’s office and being greeted by the friendly patient receptionist,

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