Category Archives: Patient Stories

Gillian took the abortion pill… then called CompassCare.

CompassCare has had remarkable success with the abortion pill reversal (APR) patients that come through the doors—100% have gone on to have healthy pregnancies. As the FDA increases the timeframe in which women can receive RU-486, the window opens further to serve women who start a medical abortion and want to reverse the effects. Gillian

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“I don’t think God would want me to have an abortion; my baby is alive.”

CompassCare’s exam rooms are on the frontline of the worldview war taking place in America. Almost every woman comes to CompassCare with the clear understanding that a baby is growing inside of them, often openly expressing this to their nurse. But their situation eclipses that knowledge in the darkness of believing their life will be

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“I’m keeping [my] baby. I’m not going to have an abortion.”

CompassCare is dedicated to continuously pressing towards greater effectiveness by constantly looking for ways to improve service outcomes. The medical team is modifying a few approaches and scripts to account for changing patient demographic. The following story is an example of how these improvements work out in the practical interactions with patients and save lives.

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