Category Archives: Real Abortion News

U.S. AG and President Trump Seek Justice for Pro-life Christians

Recently, new Attorney General Pam Bondi sent a Memorandum within the Department of Justice to investigate the unjust use of the DOJ resources to make political examples of politically disfavored pro-life Christians. This comes after over 500 attacks against pro-life organizations and churches with little action from the DOJ or FBI. The most egregious of

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Lighting the Way to Peace for Women Considering Abortion

Jesus was born into a world so inhospitable that an innkeeper relegated His laboring mother to give birth amongst animals. Children were so disposable the earthly king ordered the mass killing of infant boys around Bethlehem in an attempt to secure his political power against the threat of a foretold newborn King. For women facing

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Renewed Attacks on Pro-life Christians

Abortion is now a constitutional right in New York. At a recent press conference, New York Gov. Hochul and Attorney General James celebrated the victory, promising renewed attacks on pro-life Christians with a task force called the Empire State Freedom Initiative. According to Hochul the goal is “to do identify any possible threats to these

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NY’s Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment

New Yorkers will be asked to enshrine abortion as a fundamental right in the state constitution come November. It is Proposal Number One and ironically entitled the “Equal Rights Amendment. (ERA)” The amendment could outlaw activity by any organization or person perceived as discriminating against a woman based on “pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and

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Pro-life Christians Battle Pro-abortion NY Attorney General in Court

Recently, NY Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against 12 pro-life organizations, including the firebombed pro-life network, CompassCare, for alleged fraud over claims that the effects of chemical abortion can be reversed. CEO of CompassCare, Rev. Jim Harden said, “Aside the from fact that we sued Ms. James first, she is engaging in a

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Pro-life Christians Give Women $368M, Abortion Biz Zaps Billions from Taxpayers

A new report reveals that Christian pro-life pregnancy centers gave women facing unplanned pregnancy $368 million of free services, including medical care, while being attacked by domestic terrorists in 2022, up $100 million from the previous year. Meanwhile, abortion biz, Planned Parenthood, zapped over $1 billion in Federal and State taxpayer money. CompassCare’s Buffalo office

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Will Pending Supreme Court Ruling Triggers Pro-abortion Violence Again?

June marks two-years since pro-abortion Antifa front group, Jane’s Revenge, firebombed one of CompassCare’s pro-life medical offices in Buffalo. The firebombing caused a half-million dollars in damage, injuring two firefighters in an attempt to shut down CompassCare’s free medical services. In this regard Jane’s Revenge failed totally, CompassCare rebuilding even bigger in a miraculous 52

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America’s Abortion Tug of War

America’s abortion battleground shifted dramatically from the federal level to the state level after Roe was overturned June 24, 2022. Conservative states rushed to restrict abortion while states like New York rushed to total deregulation. The fight now is being waged with ballot initiatives to amend state constitutions, permitting the practice through all nine months

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Abortion Numbers Up by 10%

A new report claims abortion numbers up ten percent nationwide in 2023, surpassing one million. It also claims that the dangerous chemical abortion regimen now represents 63% of all abortions, up 20% in just three years. One analysis suggests the numbers are padded for political convenience given that they emanate from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute.

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