Category Archives: Real Abortion News

PA Federal Court Judge Ignores SCOTUS

Obamacare through its contraception mandate forced organizations and individuals to violate their religious convictions by funding abortion causing drugs and devices in their health insurance plans. The Supreme Court ruled this compulsion a violation of religious liberty and therefore unconstitutional. The Trump administration modified the healthcare rules to respect the beliefs of religious employers and

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The Cost of Abortion

  How much does abortion cost? Abortion ranges in price from $300 to $2,100. But what is the total PRICE of abortion? The Physical health of the woman is jeopardized – there’s an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and breast cancer. Relationships suffer as a decision to abort impacts the father of the baby,

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Hormonal Contraception and Cancer

Does the Pill cause cancer? The journal Linacre Quarterly published an article entitled The Reasons Hormonal Contraceptives and Induced Abortion Increase Breast-Cancer Risk. In that article, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, Clinical  Professor  of  Surgery  at Robert  Wood Johnson Medical School points out; “In 2005,…the UN’s World Health Organization classified hormonal contraceptives as Group 1 carcinogens for breast,

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Environmentalism & Abortion

Why do environmentalists care about abortion? The Center for Biological Diversity says on their website, “Human population growth is at the root of our most pressing environmental issues.” Earlier this year, Michael Brune from the Sierra Club said during a TV interview, “[Abortion] helps to address the number of the people that we have on

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