Category Archives: Real Abortion News

State Coerced Quackery?

Expanded Transcript  The Illinois State legislature passed SB 1564 and the Republican governor Bruce Rauner signed it, amending the State’s ‘Health Care Right of Conscience Act.’ Paradoxically, the act designed to protect the conscience of medical practitioners changed, forcing them now to violate their conscience when it comes to one thing: Abortion. The law is

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Abortion Stats & Trends

Expanded Transcript New York remains the abortion capital of the U.S. with more abortions occurring on a per capita basis than any other state. Abortion is trending down for the seventh consecutive year. The 2015 data reveal that the number of abortions statewide hit another all-time low since abortion was legalized in 1970 (NY legalized

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The Morality of Abortion

Expanded Transcript Was legalizing abortion as the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruled morally correct? If it should be legal, to what extent should it be restricted by the States if at all as some like Texas have insisted? Should all medical providers be forced to participate in abortion by referring or providing it as the

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Abortion Pill Reversal

Expanded Transcript Mariana couldn’t endure the shame of her friends and family finding out she was pregnant. So, she and her boyfriend reluctantly paid the $600 for a medical abortion, also known as RU-486. RU-486 is a two pill regimen that blocks the pro-gestational hormone (progesterone) that a baby needs to survive and stay in

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An Introduction

  Full Transcript Many are not aware that a California court dismissed 14 of 15 charges brought by California Attorney General against journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for their expose of Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking in aborted baby body parts, or that private pharmacists in Washington State are being forced against their convictions to

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