NYC Has 56 Abortionists, But Two Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Will Open to Save Babies | 02/27/2025 Kathy Hochul is Helping Abortionists Break the Law to Kill More Babies | 02/24/2025
OSV News: The future of women’s health care: Trusting pregnancy centers to meet women’s needs | 02/10/2025
The Christian Post: Pardoned pro-life political prisoners should sue Biden admin. | 01/28/2025 Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Faces New Terrorist Threat After Antifa Firebombed Its Center | 01/17/2025 Pro-Life Groups Challenge New York Law Forcing Them to Hire Abortion Advocates | 01/07/2025
Washington Examiner: First Amendment winning streak continues into 2025 | 01/07/2025
HR Dive: 2nd Circuit partially upholds challenge of New York’s abortion anti-discrimination law | 01/06/2025
The Christian Post: Appeals court revives challenge to New York law restricting religious groups’ hiring practices | 01/03/2025
New York Law Journal: Anti-Abortion Groups’ Challenge to New York’s ‘Boss Bill’ Is Returning to Federal Trial Court | 01/03/2025
Reuters: Challenge to N.Y. abortion bias law revived by US court | 01/02/2025
Alliance Defending Freedom: 2nd Circuit reinstates religious groups’ claim seeking freedom to hire according to faith | 01/02/2025 Abortion Increases 90% in New York as Abortion Pills Make Killing Babies Cheap and Easy | 12/21/2024
Live Action: Pregnancy center set to open new medical offices in hostile New York territory | 11/20/2024 Biden Ignored Dozens of Attacks on Churches and Pregnancy Centers, Trump Must Prosecute These Crimes | 11/18/2024
Live Action: How Roe’s reversal triggered the Biden-Harris DOJ’s persecution of peaceful pro-lifers | 11/04/2024 New York Pregnancy Center Opens Another Office Despite Kathy Hochul Threatening Pro-Life Groups | 11/14/2024 New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Launches Task Force to Target Pro-Life Christians | 11/09/2024
The Christian Post: Making America great again means making America moral again | 11/08/2024
American Thinker: Barbarism in America: The Harris-Walz Agenda | 08/10/2024
Thomas More Society: Pregnancy Help Organizations Sue New York AG in Federal Court for Attack on Abortion Pill Reversal | 08/08/2024
The Washington Times: Abortion, vandalism and politics | 07/29/2024
The Christian Post: Why aren’t pro-life Christians more supportive of pregnancy centers? | 07/05/2024
Live Action: Supreme Court abortion case, Idaho v. US, is about gaining federal control over state rights | 06/25/2024
Daily Caller: Trio Pleads Guilty For Violent Threats To Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers | 06/17/2024
American Thinker: Supreme Court rules for abortion pills? Not so fast | 06/16/2024 Biden Puts Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Hasn’t Arrested Anyone for Firebombing a Pregnancy Center | 06/06/2024
Newsweek: Letitia James Suffers Legal Blow | 05/29/2024
Thomas More Society: NY Attorney General Letitia James Loses First Round in Legal Battle Against Pregnancy Help Organizations | 05/28/2024
The Christian Post: Abortion drugs: Requiring prescription is not a ban | 05/28/2024
Lozier Institute: Pregnancy Center Report | 2022: Hope for a New Generation (PDF) | 05/21/2024
The Federalist: NY AG Letitia James Sues Pregnancy Centers Over Life-Saving Abortion Pill Reversal | 05/13/2024 Abortion Activists Firebombed This Pregnancy Center, Now Letitia James Wants to Stop It From Saving Babies | 05/08/2024
Detroit Catholic: New York attorney sues pro-life groups over abortion pill reversal process | 05/08/2024
Democrat & Chronicle: NY AG sues crisis pregnancy centers over ‘abortion pill reversal’ claims | 05/07/2024
WXXI News: NY attorney general suing anti-abortion organizations, accusing them of false advertising | 05/06/2024
The Buffalo News: AG sues over abortion pill reversal claims | 05/06/2024
Thomas More Society: Thomas More Society Responds to NY Attorney General’s Lawsuit to Silence Pregnancy Help Organizations | 05/06/2024
The Western Journal: Pro-Life Groups Hit Back Against New York AG Letitia James in Court, Allege Unfair ‘Witch Hunt’ | 05/03/2024
Newsweek: Letitia James Stung by New Lawsuit | 05/02/2024
National Right to Life: New York State AG plans to sue pregnancy centers over ‘abortion pill reversal’ | 05/02/2024
Live Action: New York’s PRCs respond by suing state’s AG over ‘abortion pill reversal’ | 05/02/2024 New York AG Letitia James Declares Total War on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers | 05/02/2024
Washinton Examiner: Letitia James sued over ‘witch hunt’ against New York anti-abortion groups | 05/01/2024
Legal Insurrection: Pro-Life Christian Groups Sue NY AG Letitia James Over ‘Political Witch-Hunt’ | 05/01/2024
Washington Stand: Anti-Trump Attorney General Sues Pro-Life Center for Abortion Pill Reversal | 05/01/2024
CatholicVote: NY crisis pregnancy centers announce joint suit against state attorney general | 05/01/2024 Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Sue New York Attorney General Letitia James for Trying to Stop Their Work | 05/01/2024
Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International & pregnancy ministry collective sue New York Attorney General to block threatened prosecution | 04/30/2024
Thomas More Society: Heartbeat International & Pregnancy Ministry Collective Sue New York Attorney General to Block Threatened Prosecution | 04/30/2024
CatholicVote: Historic NY pregnancy center denounces AG ‘war path to forced abortion’ | 04/29/2024
Live Action: New York State AG plans to sue pregnancy centers over ‘abortion pill reversal’ | 04/26/2024
Life News: New York Attorney General Letitia James Trying to Shut Down Every Pro-Life Pregnancy Center | 04/26/2024
Life News: A direct hit on the First Amendment | 04/25/2024
The Christian Post: 7 steps to reduce the sex trafficking epidemic | 04/18/2024
The Washington Stand: Are Pro-Abortion Activists Drawing ‘Twisted Inspiration’ from the Biden Administration? | 04/15/2024
The Federalist: Pro-Abortion Terrorist Gets Lighter Sentence Than Peaceful Pro-Life Activists | 04/12/2024
The Christian Post: Arsonist who firebombed Wisconsin pro-life office sentenced to 7.5 years in prison | 04/11/2024
Live Action: FBI’s latest move points to failure to investigate firebombing of pro-life facility | 04/05/2024
The Daily Signal: Pregnancy Center Slams FBI For Failure to Arrest Pro-Abortion Firebombers | 04/05/2024
Life News: Joe Biden’s FBI is Totally Botching Investigation of Arson Against Pro-Life Pregnancy Center | 04/05/2024
Newsmax: With Abortion Clinic Visit Harris Continues War on Life | 03/21/2024
Townhall: Pro-Choice Is a Misnomer | 01/25/2024
Pregnancy Help News: “This is a false narrative that’s out there that we don’t help women” – Pregnancy help highlighted on Capitol Hill | 01/23/2024
Jerry Newcombe: Statement from Pro-Life Leader Jim Harden on Women and “Choice” | 01/22/2024
The Tablet: In New Brooklyn Offices, CompassCare Works to ‘Erase the Need for Abortion’ | 01/17/2024
Live Action: Woman files lawsuit against New York PRC — after she vandalized it | 12/31/2023
The Christain Post: 16 Democratic attorneys general claim pro-life pregnancy centers are ‘misleading consumers’ | 10/27/2023
The Buffalo News: Anti-abortion center CompassCare in Amherst sues over vandalism, arson | 10/15/2023
LifeSiteNews: Pro-life pregnancy center sues pro-abortion vandals for FACE Act violations the DOJ won’t prosecute | 10/12/2023
Life News: Pregnancy Center Files FACE Complaint Against Radical Abortion Activists Who Attacked It | 10/10/2023
The Washington Times: Pro-life pregnancy center files FACE Act lawsuit against abortion rights activists | 10/09/2023
The Washington Times: Justice Dept. comes under pressure to charge activist in attack on pro-life pregnancy centers | 10/05/2023
WND: The latest state to attack pro-life pregnancy centers | 10/05/2023
The Washington Stand: New York Surveys Pregnancy Resource Centers, Signals Possible Crackdown: NY Pro-Life Leader | 10/03/2023
The Christain Post: Pregnancy center CEO speculates why DOJ hasn’t charged abortion activist with violating FACE Act | 10/02/2023
Life News: Biden DOJ Puts 10 Pro-Lifers in Prison, Hasn’t Charged Leftist for Attacking Pregnancy Center | 09/28/2023
The Daily Signal: DOJ Silent on Pro-Abortion Activist Who Vandalized Pro-Life Center | 09/28/2023
The Washington Stand: ‘Huge Victory’: 5th Circuit Rules Against Mailing Abortion Pills and Ignoring Women’s Injuries | 08/18/2023
Life News: Court Ruling Stopping Mail-Order Abortions Could Cut Abortions 15%, Save 140,000 Babies | 08/17/2023
Pregnancy Help News: Las Vegas center hit with radical abortion graffiti more than a year after Dobbs | 08/08/2023
Decision Magazine: Judge Blocks Law Targeting Crisis Pregnancy Centers | 08/07/2023
The Washington Stand: Abortion Drug Left 16-Year-Old Black Girl ‘Sick, Sore, Lame and Disabled’: Lawsuit | 07/20/2023
Life News: Democrats Claim They’re “Pro-Choice,” But They Want to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers | 07/11/2023
The Washington Stand: NY Abortionists Kill Girls as Young as 13, but Democratic Gov Cracks Down on Pro-Life Centers | 07/10/2023
Daily Caller: ‘Taken A Toll’: Pregnancy Centers Reflect On A Year Of Violence After The End Of Roe v. Wade | 06/24/2023
Independent Journal Review: Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Gets Last Laugh After ‘Brutal’ Firebombing: ‘What They Meant for Evil, God Used for Good’ | 06/17/2023
WND: One year after leftist firebombing of pro-life clinic, no arrests made | 06/05/2023
Life News: Biden Admin Gives Millions to Universities to Promote Terrorism Against Pro-Life Christians | 06/01/2023
American Thinker: Biden steals pro-life message to promote abortion | 06/01/2023
Life News: Joe Biden Claims “We’re All Created Equal in the Image of God.” But He Excludes Unborn Babies | 06/01/2023
Yahoo Finance: CompassCare CEO Believes Impeachment May Be the Answer When It Comes To Resolving Pro-Life Attacks | 05/22/2023
Yahoo Finance: Arguments in Chemical Abortion Case Could Create Friction With Pro-Lifers | 05/19/2023
Live Action: FBI offers reward for attack on pregnancy center in Des Moines | 05/17/2023
Christian Post: FBI offers $15K reward for information on pro-life clinic vandalism 1 year after attack | 05/12/2023
News 10 Albany: Dueling lawsuits leave availability of abortion pill in question | 04/10/2023
Daily Caller: Pregnancy Center CEO Responds to Government Ramping Up | 04/02/2023
Christian Post: Grand Jury Indicts Two More for Defacing Pro-Life Clinics | 03/30/2023
CBN News: Suspect Arrested in Vandalism of Pro-Life Center, but What About Last Year’s Firebombing | 03/28/2023
News 4 Buffalo: Arrest made in graffiti at Amherst anti-abortion center | 03/26/2023
Breitbart: NY Pregnancy Center Attacked Again | 03/23/2023
The Daily Signal: After 2nd Attack, Pregnancy Care Center CEO Calls Out FBI, Justice Department for Failure to Act | 03/20/2023
Rep. Claudia Tenney: Rep. Tenney, Rev. Harden Condemn Recent Attack on Pro-Life Pregnancy Center in Amherst | 03/17/2023
The Christian Post: Pro-life pregnancy center suffers vandalism less than a year after firebombing | 03/17/2023
Life News: Antifa Attacks Pregnancy Center That Abortion Activists Firebombed Last Year | 03/16/2023
Life News: FBI Agent Confirms FBI Targeted Pregnancy Centers, Pro-Life Christians After Dobbs Decision | 03/06/2023
American Life League: DOJ Persecutes Pro-Lifers but Ignores Attacks on Pregnancy Centers | 03/06/2023
The Epoch Times: Senate Judiciary Republicans Grill Attorney General Merrick Garland on DOJ | 03/01/2023
The Patriot Post: American Pride Burning | 02/24/2023
American Thinker: The 2024 Presidential Election is Already About Abortion | 02/04/2023
Life News: Pro-Life Group Wants Republicans to Investigate 250 Cases of Pro-Abortion Violence | 01/30/2023
The Daily Signal: House Votes Expose Democrats as Pro-Violence, Abortion-Loving, Infant-Hating Extremists | 01/27/2023
The Daily Signal: ‘Asleep at the Wheel’: DeSantis Highlights Justice Department’s Abortion Double Standard | 01/26/2023
Fox News: FBI offers $25K reward for info on pro-life pregnancy center attacks, vandalism | 01/19/2023
The Daily Wire: FBI Offers $25K Reward For Information On Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Attacks | 01/19/2023
Washington Times: FBI offers $25,000 reward for info on attacks on pro-life centers, critics ask what took so long | 01/19/2023
National Review: FBI Offers $25K Reward for Information about Attacks on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers | 01/19/2023
World News Group: The threat against pregnancy centers is just getting worse | 01/16/2023
Thomas More Society: Thomas More Society Launches Investigation into Attacks Against Pro-Life Advocates & Groups | 01/09/2023
The Washington Stand: As FBI Investigation Lags, Attacked Pregnancy Center Hires Private Investigator | 01/06/2023 Pro-Life Groups Launch Investigation to Find Pro-Abortion Terrorists Since FBI Hasn’t Arrested Anyone | 01/05/2023
The Christian Post: Pro-life groups launch private investigation to find vandals who firebombed, attacked pregnancy centers | 01/05/2023
Newsweek: Six Months After Roe v. Wade Demise, Abortion Opponents are Shaken and Angry | 12/30/2022
Pregnancy Help News: Exposing abortion extremists: The Protect Pregnancy Care Centers Act of 2022 | 12/19/2022
The Post-Journal: Rep. Wants ‘Fairness’ In Investigating Attacks On Pro-Life Centers | 12/15/2022
The Daily Signal: Virginia Pregnancy Center 1 of Many Waiting on FBI for Justice in Jane’s Revenge Attacks | 12/13/2022
Daily Caller: Pro-Lifers Still Hearing Crickets From FBI After Being Firebombed | 12/7/2022
CBN News: FBI Defends Crisis Pregnancy Center Investigations: ‘We Take It Very Seriously’ | 11/28/2022
National Catholic Register: Justice Delayed | 11/23/2022
Pregnancy Help News: Outpouring of support for firebombed pregnancy center means pregnancy help continues unabated | 11/22/2022
Amac: The DOJ Seems to Believe Pro-life Activists Are the Bad Guys | 11/17/2022
The Christian Post: FBI offers $25K reward for info on pro-life clinic firebombers, releases surveillance video | 11/16/2022 FBI Releases Video of Leftist Who Firebombed Pregnancy Center | 11/15/2022
Catholic News Agency: FBI releases video of attack on firebombed Buffalo pregnancy center, says FACE Act charges possible | 11/14/2022
The Buffalo News: FBI offers reward, seeks public’s help in identifying CompassCare arson suspects | 11/14/2022
The Washington Stand: Pro-Life Center Unveils 9-Point Plan to Protect Woman and Children from Abortion | 11/10/2022
MRC TV: Pro-Lifers Set To Pray At Pregnancy Centers On Election Night | 11/7/2022
Christian Post: Pro-life groups experience 22 times more violence than pro-abortion groups after Dobbs: report | 11/5/2022
The Washington Stand: EXCLUSIVE: Call for Prayer Vigil around Pro-Life Centers on Election Night | 11/4/2022 FBI Memo: Violence Against Pro-Life Americans Expected Around the Election | 11/2/2022
World News Group: Five arson attacks at pro-life centers unsolved | 11/1/2022
The Militant: Attacks on ‘right to life’ clinics threaten fight for women’s emancipation | 10/30/2022
The Bernardsville News: LETTER: “Leftists are the true insurrectionists” | 10/18/2022 Ted Cruz and Republican Senators Demand FBI Accountability for Attacks Against Pro-Lifers | 10/14/2022
World Tribune: DOJ goes after 87-year-old concentration camp survivor for peaceful protest at abortion clinic | 10/11/2022 It Can’t be Criminal to Peacefully Protest Abortion But OK to Firebomb Pregnancy Centers | 10/10/2022
Life Issues Institute: Acts of Intimidation by Bureaucratic Thugs | 10/6/2022
Buffalo News: FBI team reschedules visit to aid probe into CompassCare arson, CEO says | 10/5/2022
PJ Media: You Knew the FBI Was Corrupt, But Did You Know It Was THIS Bad? | 10/5/2022
Daily Caller: Has The FBI Arrested Any Suspects In 150 Attacks On Pro-Life Groups And Churches? | 10/5/2022
The Stream: The Brew: Boy, Does It Sure Feel Like the 1930s! [Terror Campaign Against Political Foes] | 10/3/2022
Washington Examiner: Critics allege double standard in FBI arrest of anti-abortion activist | 9/27/2022
Harbingers Daily: Biden Justice Department Is Turning A Blind Eye To Pro-Abortion Terrorism | 9/27/2022
Breitbart News: Firebombed Pregnancy Center Sues for Surveillance Footage from Attack | 9/24/2022
Christian Post: Pro-life Pregnancy Center CEO Accuses Police of ‘Withholding Evidence’ of Firebombing at NY Office | 9/24/2022
The Western Journal: Did Lindsey Graham Just Draw a Line in the Sand on Abortion? (Op-ed by Rev. Jim Harden) | 9/22/22
The Buffalo News: FBI team cancels visit to aid probe into arson at Amherst anti-abortion center, CEO says | 9/22/2022
The Stream: Firebombed Pro-Life Medical Office Claims Bias, Says Town Attorney’s Comments Confirm Suspicion | 9/22/2022
Catholic News Agency: Pregnancy clinic firebombed in ‘Jane’s Revenge’ attack sues police for surveillance footage | 9/21/2022
The Epoch Times: Police, FBI Not Taking Far-Left Violence Seriously: CEO of Pro-Life Center That Was Firebombed | 9/20/2022
ABC, Buffalo 7 – WKBW: Anti-abortion clinic in Amherst suing police department over surveillance video | 9/20/2022
The Buffalo News: Anti-abortion clinic targeted in suspected firebombing sues police for its surveillance video back | 9/19/2022
The Daily Wire: Dozens Of Acts Of Vandalism Against Pro-Life Centers And Still No Arrests| 9/17/2022
The Epoch Times: ‘We Have to Start Valuing People Again,’ CompassCare CEO Says as Center Recovers From Firebombing | 9/17/2022
Fox News: ‘Taken their foot off the gas’: Pro-life movement found hurdles following Dobbs ruling | 9/17/2022
The Lion: How a firebombed pregnancy center is changing the post-Roe landscape | 9/16/2022
The Epoch Times: Anti-Abortion Groups Ask State Attorneys General to Protect Them From Online Censorship | 9/14/2022
The Washington Stand: Crime Against Pro-Life Centers ‘Will Become Routine’ Without Prosecution: Fmr. Counterintelligence Expert | 9/14/2022
Fox News: Zero Arrests In at Least 17 Jane’s Revenge Attacks on Pro-Life Organizations | 9/14/2022
Religious Freedom Institute: Religious Pro-Life Americans Under Attack: A Threat Assessment of Post-Dobbs America | 9/06/2022
The Gospel Coalition: How a Firebombed Pregnancy Center Is Changing the Post-Roe Landscape | 9/06/2022
The Washington Stand: Google, Yelp, Democratic Rhetoric Is ‘Fomenting Violence’ against Pro-life Centers: PRC Director | 8/29/2022
The Christian Post: Why are Christians so Passionately Pro-Life? (Op-ed by Rev. Jim Harden) | 8/23/2022
Live Action: UNCOVERED: Four-pronged strategy deployed to protect the abortion industry | 8/18/2022
The Paradise News: UNCOVERED: Four-pronged strategy deployed to protect the abortion industry | 8/18/2022
WND: Why are Christians so passionately pro-life? | 8/15/2022
National Review: FBI Investigations into Wave of Vandalism Against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Stall | 8/08/2022
Christian Post: Pro-life pregnancy center celebrates ‘miracle’ reopening after firebombing | 8/05/2022
American Family News: Pro-abortion vandals apparently ‘invisible to law enforcement’ | 8/03/2022
Epoch Times: As Buffalo Center Reopens, Congresswoman Moves to Protect Pro-Life Groups | 8/01/2022
Washington Examiner: Firebombed crisis pregnancy center in Buffalo to reopen next month | 7/26/2022
Newsmax Online: Is Left Committed to Death More Than Life? | 7/21/2022
Washington Examiner: Anti-abortion pregnancy centers scale up security, fearing additional attacks | 6/18/2022
Washington Examiner: Garland should investigate attacks on anti-abortion groups as domestic terrorism: GOP | 6/18/2022
Christian Post: Activists firebomb pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo; 2 firefighters admitted to hospital | 6/9/2022
Washington Times: Left Gives a Pass to Violent Pro-abortion Groups | 6/8/2022
AP News: Police: New York anti-abortion center damaged by arson | 6/7/2022
The Washington Free Beacon: Abortion Activists Firebomb Another Pro-Life Office | 6/7/2022
VCY America’s Crosstalk: The War on the Unborn | 03/11/2025
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Standing for Life on this Roe Anniversary | 01/22/2025
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Election’s Impact on Abortion | 11/12/2024
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Dobbs Decision: 2 Years Later | 06/24/2024
KTalk Radio with Jon Twitchell: Rev Jim Harden Joins About Letitia James Suing Christian Pro -lifers | 05/07/2024
VCY America’s Crosstalk: The Targeting of Pre-Born Life | 05/06/2024
The Drew Mariani Show: The FBI / Why Civilization Needs Christianity | 04/04/2024
Faune Riggin on KZIM: Abortion pills could soon be in nationwide pharmacy chains | 03/12/2024
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Pre-born Life in the Crosshairs | 03/12/2024
Stand Up for the Truth: Jim Harden: Corrupt DOJ, FBI ‘Complicit’ in Covering Up Leftist Violence | 11/20/2023
The Conversation with Eric Early: Rev. James Harden on the need to protect abortion centers [15:10] | 10/11/2023
The WorldView in 5 Minutes: Pro-life strategist pleased Florida holding abortionists accountable [4:25] | 09/01/2023
The Lounge with Michael Horn: Tips For Back To School Savings, How AI Is Changing Jobs And Creating New Career Opportunities, and More… [6:00] | 09/01/2023
The Steve Malzberg Show: Rev Jim Harden Discusses the Lucy Letby Case | 08/31/2023
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Addressing Abortion in Today’s Climate | 08/29/2023
From the Median: Ethical Standards in Women’s Health Care | 08/22/2023
The Daily Signal Podcast: Abortion Activists Turn to Legislation to Target Pregnancy Care Centers | 08/07/2023
The WorldView in 5 Minutes: American intelligence reveals more pro-abortion violence expected (2:55) | 07/03/2023
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Dobbs: One Year Later | 06/20/2023
The Jiggy Jaguar Show: One Year After the Dobbs Leak, Rev. Jim Harden Says More Attacks Are on the Way | 06/14/2023
Michael Horn’s “The Lounge”: Getting Your Tech Travel Ready, The Newest Nat Geo Kids Books, and More… | 06/12/2023
Faith Radio: Harden, James – CompassCare Pregnancy Services (1-year anniversary of vandalism on center) | 06/09/2023
The Earl Ingram Show: Earl is joined by pro-life activist, Reverend James Harden, to debate the right to abortion in America | 04/14/2023
The Lakey Effect: : Jim Harden, where do we go from here? | 04/14/2023
Speaking Out America: Guest James Harden and the Abortion Pill | 04/13/2023
Brett Winterble Show: Reverend James Harden of CompassCare Pregancy joins to talk about the abortion pill ban | 04/11/2023
World Radio: America’s Unsung Heroes | 03/29/2023
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Attacks Against Pro-Lifers / Abortion Pill Battle | 03/13/2023
VCY America’s Crosstalk: Standing for Life in a Pro-Death Culture | 01/17/2023
VCY America’s Crosstalk: FBI Changes Face On One Pro-Life Center Attacked | 11/30/2022
The Power Hour with Dave Krieger: Abortion. The Pro-Life Family. Codifying Roe v Wade? | 11/17/2022
Faith Radio: Morning with Carmen LaBerge: FBI Offers $25K Reward for Info Leading to Arrest for Firebombing of Buffalo Pro-life Medical Office | 11/18/2022
Tapp into the Truth: Rediscovering the American Covenant & Caring About CompassCare and the Pre-Born | 11/9/2022
Pro American Report: Ed Martin Interviews Daniel Tomlinson, CompassCare Director of Community Relations | 11/10/2022
Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells: Election Drivers – Morals or Dogma? | 11/10/2022
Political Zone: Rev. Jim Harden on the Vernuccio/Novak Report | 10/30/2022
960 KZIM: Attacks Against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Are Not About Abortion | 10/20/2022
Christian Emergency Podcast: The Ugly Campaign Against Pro-Life Christians, the Unborn, and Pregnancy Resource Centers, with Rev. Jim Harden | 10/19/2022
The Lakey Effect: Jimmy Hour 1 REV Jim Harden on Abortion | 10/18/2022
The Lars Larson Show: Are police ignoring evidence because they are worried it will make people mad? | 10/5/2022
The Glenn Beck Program: Because of California, You Just Lost Your Children | 10/4/2022
In the Market with Janet Parshall: Hour 1: News and Views | 10/4/2022
101.1 The Dave Elswick Show: State Senator Kim Hammer talks pro-life pregnancy centers with The Rev. James Harden [1:25] | 9/27/2022
Shepherd Radio/Afternoons With Mike: Pro-Life Tensions with U.S. Department of Justice | 9/27/2022
The Drew Mariani Show: Fireboming is Ignored, but Pro-Lifer Dad gets SWAT-ed | 9/27/2022
Stand Up for The Truth: Rev. Jim Harden: 4 Months, No Arrests of Abortion Terrorists; The Left Celebrates Kinsey | 9/22/2022
VCY America: The War on the Unborn | 9/15/2022
The Steve Malzberg Show: Are Pro-Abortion Politicians Colluding with Big Tech to Deny Women Choice? | 9/15/2022
Pro American Report: Ed Martin Interviews Rev. Jim Harden | 9/07/2022
The Steffan Tubbs Show: Steffan Tubbs Show 9-6-22 Hr1 (20:20) | 9/06/2022
The Jim Price Show: Daily Update: Episode 642 with Daniel Tomlinson | 9/05/2022
VCY America: Unequal Justice: Abortion vs Life | 8/24/2022
The Earl Ingram Show: Hour 2 with James Harden | 8/2/2022
Chosen Generation: Rev. Jim Harden: Providing Resources to Women Who Are Experiencing an Unplanned Pregnancy | 7/29/2022
Providence Forum: Podcast on Attacks Against Pro-Life Centers | 7/29/2022
The Eric Metaxas Show: Jim Harden and Sean Feucht and Andrew Giuliani | 6/28/2022
Focus Today with Perry Atkinson: Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, discusses the opening of new offices and the impact of the Shield Law on pro-life organizations in New York. | 03/10/25
EWTN Pro-life Weekly with Abigail Galvan: Two new pro-life pregnancy centers open in the Bronx and Brooklyn. | 03/06/25
Real America’s Voice: Rev. Jim Harden: Enforcing the Comstock Act would bankrupt the abortion industry | 03/04/25
Focus Today with Perry Atkinson: CompassCare’s CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, discusses the potential impact of a second Trump term on the pro-life movement. | 11/26/24
The Jiggy Jaguar Show: CompassCare’s CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, discusses the case, and how The Thomas More Society (TMS) is representing CompassCare. | 11/11/24
Lars Larson National Radio Show: CompassCare Joins Fight Against Forced Abortion Purchase with SCOTUS Brief [Full Radio Interview7:16] | 10/29/24
Victory News: SCOTUS Set to Deliver Major Abortion Ruling Any Day [7:30] | 05/28/23
Battlefront Frontline: Letitia James Prevents Access to Pregnancy Resources Through Lawfare [30:55] | 05/10/24
The Absolute Truth: NY AG James Files Lawsuit Against Pro-Life Groups | 05/09/24
The Bill Martinez Show: A U.S. District Court Judge Has Handed Down a Fierce Sentencing On Five Peaceful Pro-Life Advocates | 10/03/23
Victory News: Does the Transgender Trend Affect Views on Unborn Life? [16:30] | 09/25/23
Huckabee on TBN: Rev. Jim Harden and Rep. Claudia Tenney | 04/22/2023
WCNTV: Standing Against Radical Evil | 04/11/2023
Washington Watch: Jim Harden Discusses a Recent Second Attack on His Ministry | 03/18/2023
CBN News: Texas Medical Abortion Case: Pastor Says Chemical Abortion Method Harms Women | 02/17/2023
The Absolute Truth: FBI Waits Until After Midterms to Pursue Investigative Action with Pro-Life Vandalism Case | 11/18/2022
Sidewalk Advocates for Life: Saving Lives in a Post-Roe America | 11/11/2022
Life Today: Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop. – Rev. Jim Harden | 11/3/2022
Victory News: Why was CompassCare Targeted? with guest Rev. Jim Harden [9:05] | 11/2/2022
Focus Today: Funding For Private Abortion Industry | 10/26/2022
Charlie Kirk Show: Charlie Responds to Biden Regime Censorship | 10/3/2022
The World Over: CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTERS: Rep. Chris Smith And Jim Harden | 9/29/2022
Daystar: Exposing Abortion: A dark threat and a bombed pregnancy center. | 9/30/2022
Tucker Carlson: Biden is Cracking Down on Political Opponents | 9/29/2022
His Glory Presents: Take FiVe w/Rev. Jim Harden | 9/23/2022
Voz Media: María Herrera Mellado talks with Jim Harden | 9/17/2022
Focus Today: Importance Of Midterms For Pro-Life Cause | 8/26/2022
The Absolute Truth: How Abortion Activists are Targeting Pro-Life Centers | 8/23/2022
Battlefront Frontline: As American Citizens Cut Back On Food Elitists Seek to Seize Primaries | Rev Jim Harden, Jeffrey Adam | 8/7/2022
Sean Hannity Show: When The Left Attacks | 7/28/2022
Focus Today: Abortion Ruling Impact | 7/20/2022
Battlefront Frontline: As Pro-Abortionists Scour the Nation the Marxist Hand of Death Signs Orders | Reverend Jim Harden | Deadly Hand of Tyranny | 7/9/2022
The Absolute Truth: Left-Wing Domestic Terrorists Target Pregnancy Centers | 7/7/2022
Huckabee TV: Pregnancy Center FIREBOMBED by VIOLENT Extremists! | 7/6/2022
Tipping Point: Firebombed Pregnancy Center Facing Investigation for Not Offering Abortions | 6/27/2022
Washington Watch: Jim Harden Shares How His Ministry Is Recovering After Being Firebombed by Abortion Supporters | 6/22/2022
News Nation: FBI Investigating Attacks Against Anti-abortion Centers With Jane’s Revenge Claiming Responsibility | 6/21/2022
Focus Today: “Jane’s Revenge” Group | 6/21/2022
The Absolute Truth: Left-Wing Domestic Terrorists Target Pregnancy Centers | 6/15/2022
NewsMax: Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Vandalized | 6/15/2022
Tipping Point: Tipping Point – President of Firebombed Pro-Life Clinic Speaks Out | 6/15/2022
Glenn Beck: Why this attack PROVES the left’s losing the abortion debate | 6/13/2022
The Absolute Truth: Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked Across the Country | 6/13/2022
EWTN’s World Over: PREGNANCY CENTERS ATTACKED: Kyle Shideler & Rev. James Harden | 6/9/2022
Curents News: Pro-Life Medical Center Opens in Abortion Capital of the U.S. | 03/06/2025
Alabama’s Morning News with JT: Rev. Jim Harden on President Trump’s pardoning of 23 Pro-Life Political Prisoners | 01/28/2025
OAN (One America News) Tipping Point with Kary McKinney: Another Elderly Pro-Life Activist Fears She Will Die in Prison Due to Biden’s DOJ | 06/03/2024
NTD Newsroom: Letitia James Targets Pregnancy Resource Centers [17:55] | 05/13/2024
WGRZ-TV Buffalo Channel 2: NYS AG sues anti-abortion group, 11 New York pregnancy centers over abortion reversal claims | 05/06/2024
OAN (One America News) Tipping Point: Biden Makes Sign Of Cross In Response To Florida Heartbeat Law | 04/25/2024
OAN (One America News) Tipping Point: Breakdown of How the FBI Lies About Pro-Life Violence | 11/17/2023
WGRZ-TV Buffalo Channel 2: CompassCare files lawsuit against abortion rights activists | 10/16/2023
OAN (One America News) Tipping Point: Biden DOJ, No Jail Time for Church Attacker | 04/21/2023
OAN (One America News) Tipping Point: TX Judge To Rule On Abortion Pill Case | 03/17/2023
WETM: House Floor: Legislation could expand abortion pill providers | 02/27/2023
C-Span: House Floor: Rev. Harden quoted by Rep. Claudia Tenney in regards to Bill H.Con.Res.3 [42:20] | 01/11/2023
OAN (One America News) Tipping Point: FBI Offering $25,000 Reward for CompassCare Arson Information | 11/17/2022
News 4 Buffalo: CompassCare CEO speaks out after FBI posts $25K reward in June arson | 11/15/2022
The Ingraham Angle: In two weeks, the voters in liberal strongholds have a chance to save themselves [2:15] | 10/26/2022
Tucker Carlson: In 2022, whether you’re considered dangerous or not depends on who you voted for [14:40] | 10/10/2022

Avoid Demons; They Will Destroy Nations
March 5, 2025
Is America’s greatness rooted in a rosy financial prospectus or even merely saving us from further losses? Or is financial prosperity a lagging indicator of something deeper, more durable, and honorable than filthy lucre? Staunching America’s financial hemorrhage is a good thing. But Jesus likens a generation of people who attempt to oust the evil in their midst without replacing it with God to a demon-possessed man, freed temporarily from his oppression.
Restore Moral Dignity: Make America Moral Again
January 21, 2025
America and the world are facing a multitude of hotly debated bioethical dilemmas and tragic human rights abuses. Recapturing a moral framework consistent with both America’s constitutional rule of law and the truth expressed in our Declaration of Independence, that we are “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights,” is the first step in reclaiming a civil and consistent domestic policy on bioethical concerns and the only path to reasserting global moral leadership.
Hochul Doesn’t Get It on Nuclear Threat
December 26, 2024
Will New York’s activist Democratic Gov. Hochul take a play from her devious predecessor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, ignoring the law that requires a special election be called within 10 days of a congressional vacancy? Based on Hochul’s conspicuous silence on the issue coupled with her willingness to disdain and trample the rights of anyone who might disagree with her secular fundamentalistic ideology, it seems likely she will attempt to rob the nearly 800,000 citizens of New York’s 21st of representation in federal government for the benefit of the Democratic Party.
Should Trump Forgive or Prosecute Letitia James?
December 10, 2024
Letitia James should resign or face impeachment. If evidence emerges that she violated constitutional rights or conspired against individuals or groups, she should be investigated, indicted, and, if found guilty, held accountable under the law. The rule of law must be restored. Donald Trump and Christians who oppose abortion may choose to forgive personal offenses, adhering to Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek.”
Restoring Civil Order Will Cure America’s Moral Maladies
November 7, 2024
Now that President Trump will be returning to the Oval Office, Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians should beware. Our nation’s 16th President, Abraham Lincoln observed, “As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.” Now may seem the time to take a breather but it’s not the time to breathe easy. Given current generational voting trends, this may be America’s last chance for creating the conditions to step back from the cliff of societal suicide.
Now More Than Ever, Christians Must Vote
October 31, 2024
Is it a sin for an American Christian not to vote? …41 million Christians plan to abstain from voting in the 2024 election…As this country founders and occasionally ponders the meaning and value of humanity and government’s role within it, from abortion to transgenderism, from the economy to crime, nearly half of all evangelical Christians are leaving their cultural capital on society’s bargaining table. If that isn’t a sin, it certainly is a shame.
Why Good Faith and Denying Personhood are Incompatible
August 23, 2024
The left’s objection to the term “unborn human being” is based on personhood. When Roe was overturned, the legal force of the Supreme Court’s majority opinion, “the word ‘person’ does not apply to the unborn …” was lost. The lack of personhood was the justification of abortion nationally. In response, Arizona for Abortion Access sued to have the language changed to something more impersonal and innocuous — fetus.
Do ‘Snowflake Babies’ Matter?
August 7, 2024
It was recently reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) began working with transgender activist groups, such as the Human Rights Campaign and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), to push child sex changes nationwide, choosing politics over parents.
Are Pediatricians Choosing Politics Over Parents?
July 15, 2024
It was recently reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) began working with transgender activist groups, such as the Human Rights Campaign and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), to push child sex changes nationwide, choosing politics over parents.
Left Needs to Face Truth, Letting Women Be Women
July 2, 2024
According to the left, we need to support women and provide them their own safe spaces and accommodations such as women’s sports, where men aren’t allowed — unless those men are transgender. In that case, if you support women, you’re a bigot, a transphobe, and probably a half dozen or more slurs that the left can come up with.
Big Silver Lining for Babies in Supreme Court Abortion Cloud
June 20, 2024
It’s understandable that some who are anti-abortion would be disappointed with the ruling. However, we need to see past the fact that the Court did not sanction the FDA’s failure to perform due diligence on mifepristone safety. We must view this golden judicial path as the silver lining to ultimate judicial victory.
Will SCOTUS Undermine Federal Law on Chemical Abortion?
May 7, 2024
Given that nearly all instances of chemical abortion were shipped across the U.S. border from China and then shipped again across state lines, virtually every instance of chemical abortion in the U.S. represents a violation of federal law.
Abortion Struggle Reveals America’s Crisis of Gov’t
May 6, 2024
The abortion debate in America has reached a fever pitch and it is because both those anti-abortion and pro-abortion rights are conflating state abortion procedure regulations with their ultimate goals.
Trump Needs to Clarify All His Abortion Positions
Mar 20, 2024
Trump need not advocate a particular federal law banning abortion based on some arbitrary gestational age, like 16-weeks, or developmental characteristic, like a beating heart or ability to feel pain. He just needs to enforce the law. We are no longer fighting a battle over abortion opinions but the criminality of the current administration.
IVF: We’re Letting Technology Outpace Morality
Mar 6, 2024
Technology has outpaced our morality.On Feb. 16, 2024 the Alabama Supreme Court agreed. By their 8-1 decision, America was thrust into a crisis of conscience. Unborn embryos are children, made in the image of God, with rights to be protected. The majority opinion author, Justice Jay Mitchell concurs.
Election ’24 About Abortion, Future of Religious Liberty
Feb 28, 2024
Since the overturning of Roe with the Dobbs ruling by the Supreme Court, millions of dollars are being spent to redefine Christian morality by, among other things, Christianizing abortion.
Apathy Enables Undermining Rule of Law, Under Cover of Law
Feb 20, 2024
With each new law, comes new restrictions on constitutional freedoms, licensure of wickedness, restrictions on critical small business, and all tending to the centralization of power to a handful of elected politicians and their appointed administrative bureaucrats.
Warming the Demographic Winter and the Coming Tectonic Geo-political Power Shifts
Feb 14, 2024
China might be posturing for a global power grab but they cannot maintain it. And with America’s fertility rates in the tank, neither can we. Unless America sacrifices her pleasure for a progeny, power will go to where the people are … and it likely won’t be China for long if at all.
Being Anti-Abortion Only Path to Victory for Conservative Candidates
Feb 7, 2024
Republicans need to find a way to unite their boilerplate talking points of crime, inflation and border security into a moral vision for America, a vision respecting mankind that includes everyone, from the womb to the tomb.
Not Politicians’ Job to Parse Personhood
Jan 29, 2024
Either we are all equally valuable without partiality, or equality is just a word the ruling elite use to manipulate the masses to gain more power — a sham!
FBI Targets Peaceful Catholics for Potential Terrorism
Jan 11, 2024
The position taken by the FBI is that being a traditional Catholic is a red flag for potential domestic terrorist activity.
Give Speaker a Chance
Jan 3, 2024
Give Johnson his chance. Others have been given much more time and done much less for our country.
Once Again, Democrat Justice is Not Just
Dec 27, 2023
Where is equal justice? Where is the common sense when a three-year-old peaceful incident draws more ire from the Justice Department than a recent riot that injured six police officers?
Investing In a Baby’s Life Never a Waste of Time
Dec 13, 2023
Many prenatal tests yield false positive results up to 50% of the time. And when it comes to test results for Down syndrome, 67% of mothers abort in the U.S.
Do Dems Have a Plan to Elect a Pro-Abortion President?
Dec 6, 2023
If the abortion amendment ploy worked in a generally anti-abortion state like Ohio, it’s a pretty good bet pro-abortion politicians in charge of the Democratic Party will continue relying on it for the presidential campaign.
Recalling Chris Slattery an Anti-Abortion Hero
Nov 30, 2023
For those who may not know his name, he fought for the one truth that protects the dignity of all, that we are made in the image of God and are therefore equally valuable without partiality.
Don’t Fall for the Hamas Hospital Lies
Nov 15, 2023
The problem in this war is not of Israel’s making. Those who sparked the flames of violence are the same ones perpetuating it, Hamas terrorists in control of Gaza. As long as this fanatical organization remains, violence in the Mideast will also.
@prolifeinformation: Jim Harden Speaks at Press Conference Highlighting Pregnancy Centers [March for Life] | 01/20/2024
Buffalo News: Watch Now: CompassCare Firebombed in Amherst | 01/20/2024