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After 18 Months, FBI Calls Pro-Abortion Antifa Attacks Domestic Terrorism

After 310 attacks on pro-life entities, the FBI finally called attacks “domestic terrorism.” Recently CompassCare, a pro-life medical network targeted by pro-abortion Antifa, filed a FACE Act lawsuit against two women arrested in Buffalo. While declining comment when a Fox News reporter asked the FBI about the status of investigations into the firebombing of CompassCare

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After 18 Months, FBI Finally Calls Pro-abortion Antifa Attacks “Domestic Terrorism”

For Immediate Release: November 9, 2023 For the first time after 310 attacks on pro-life entities over 18 months, the FBI is finally calling the attacks “domestic terrorism.” When asked by Fox News reporter Alexander Hall about the status of investigations into the CompassCare firebombing in light of CompassCare’s recent FACE Act lawsuit, the FBI

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Abortion-Minded Woman Finds CompassCare | Life-Saving Services Expanding into NYC

Evelin is still in high school. One day, she started experiencing unusual symptoms. She quickly realized that she may be pregnant. Shocked and overwhelmed, Evelin’s mind raced about her unknown future. Like many women experiencing unplanned pregnancy, abortion loomed large in her mind. Evelin confided in her best friend, Sarah. Together, they researched available resources. Thankfully,

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NY Protects Criminal Abortionists

In 2022 alone, New York gave millions to abortionists to increase their security, recruit more abortionists, enhance their infrastructure to deal out more chemical abortion, stockpile chemical abortion drugs, while passing legislation insulating abortionists from criminal liability for violating chemical abortion laws. Ironically, New York’s investment is happening when the abortion industry’s only competition, pro-life

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New Jersey Rep Slanders Christian Pro-life Pregnancy Center—Violates KKK and FACE Laws

For Immediate Release: October 24, 2023 On October 6, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) hosted a press conference in front of the pro-life Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center in Hackensack, NJ. He criticized pro-life pregnancy centers for their Evangelical Christian faith, calling them “brainwashing cult clinics.” Gottheimer was flanked by two pro-abortion Bergen County Commissioners, Germaine Ortiz

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NY Gov Attack Pro-Lifer Pregnancy Centers Because Their Free Care Doesn’t Include Abortion

On June 13, 2022, six days after the firebombing of CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill to investigate pro-life pregnancy centers while calling pro-life people Neanderthals. On September 25, the Department of Health began their investigation. According to the Governor’s website, the investigation purports, “to examine the

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NY Gov Circumvents Justice System to Attack Pro-Lifers

As of September 25, pro-life pregnancy centers are being sent surveys from New York’s Department of Health accused of being “limited service pregnancy centers” because they do not provide abortion. According to Gov. Hochul’s new law, the survey results must be compiled into a report by December 13, with recommendations for further regulation. Rev. Jim

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Pro-life Strategist Insists Pro-abortion Antifa is Hamas Terror in America

For Immediate Release: October 13, 2023 In the wake of the recent Hamas invasion of Israel, and the subsequent October 7 declaration of war, pro-life strategist and CEO of firebombed pro-life group observed that the middle eastern terrorist actions are more than similar to pro-abortion Antifa actions in the U.S. which target Christian pro-lifers. Rev.

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