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FDA Endangers Women’s Health Approving Over-the-Counter Aborticidal Contraceptive (RAN)

On July 11, the FDA approved Opill, for sale over-the-counter. Peer-reviewed medical studies demonstrate that the once-a-day pill under consideration carries a “carcinogenic risk… at least comparable to the risk of [combined oral contraceptives].” The World Health Organization has listed oral contraceptives as Group 1 carcinogens along with plutonium, causing increased risk of breast cancer,

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DeSantis’ AHCA Exposes Abortion Industry—Abortionist Commits 193 Felonies in 17 Days

For Immediate Release: August 24, 2023 — On Monday, August 14, 2023, the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) issued a $193,000 fine to an Orlando abortion provider for 193 counts of violating Title 29 of Fla. Stat.§ 390.0111 (2023), denying women informed consent to abortion—a felony in the third degree. All violations occurred

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New York Abortion Industry Expose Reveals Serial Malpractice, Abuse, Injury, and Death (RAN)

Recently, an extensive report by Washington Stand Journalist, Ben Johnson shows systemic private practice abortion injury, abuse, and death in New York, including at least 38 deaths of pregnant mothers as young as 13. It also reveals a pattern of leniency by New York State Department of Health required to regularly audit abortion clinics. Recently,

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5th Circuit Ruling Could Cut U.S. Abortion by 15%—140,000 Fewer Abortions

For Immediate Release: August 16, 2023 — Wednesday, August 16, 2023—The U.S. 5th Circuit Court ruled against the FDA’s “unlawful” deregulation of the dangerous chemical abortion drug, Mifepristone. The court’s ruling will not go into effect until after the Supreme Court reviews the decision and determines if it will step in or let the 5th

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Biden Admin HIPAA Rule Change Protects Abortionists and Sex Traffickers (RAN)

The Biden administration is attempting to expand the rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ostensibly to protect women receiving abortion from prosecution. Yet, no state has or intends to enact laws criminalizing women who receive abortion. 18 State Attorneys General communicated concern, including Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr who stated the

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New York Passes Legislation Protecting Chemical Abortionists from Criminal Liability (RAN)

Recently, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill insulating chemical abortionists from criminal liability through telehealth services. Chemical abortion now represents over half of all abortion in the U.S. The new law comes as the U.S. 5th Circuit considers overturning the FDA’s illegal approval of the abortion drug Mifepristone, so dangerous that many have

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Antifa Trades Firebombs for Lawyers—Continues Attacks Against Pro-Life Medical Centers

For Immediate Release: August 2, 2023 — Thursday, July 27, Illinois joined New York weaponizing legislation against pro-life pregnancy centers. Pro-abortion political rhetoric and action in blue states has ramped up as violent domestic terror targeting pro-life entities ebbs. In place of physical violence, radicalized pro-abortion legislatures and activist lawyers are continuing the goals of

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Gallup Poll Shows Most Americans Want 98 Percent of Abortion Restricted (RAN)

The 2023 Gallup Poll annually plumbing the depths of popular sentiment regarding abortion was released. Some are reporting the new data reveals increased support for abortion. Yet, upon closer inspection by Steven Ertelt, the poll revealed the percentage of Americans identifying as pro-life increased while those identifying as pro-choice decreased year over year. Now that

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Articles of Impeachment Filed Due to National Pattern of Criminal Behavior in Federal Law Enforcement (RAN)

Rep. Marjorie Green filed articles of impeachment for Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray due to a national pattern of criminal behavior. The articles claim Garland and Wray are permitting “the Department of Justice to target people of faith and those seeking to protect the sanctity of life” and “persecuting the enemies”

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5-Point Plan to Prosecute Corruption within Federal Law Enforcement Released (RAN)

Recently, pro-life strategist, Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of firebombed CompassCare, released a 5-Point Plan to put an end to the corruption of federal law enforcement that is persecuting Christians. The plan states that because federal law enforcement is the purview of the Executive branch, any serious Presidential candidate must have a plan to address the

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