Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Your monthly gift of $47 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby. It only costs $570 to provide a woman with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support!

Helping Women vs Women’s Health

Watch live streaming video from newyorkstateofficeofthegovernor at “Her body! Her choice!” chanted New York Governor Cuomo’s angry voice in this year’s state of the State. But is medical ‘choice’ best interpreted by politicians or by physicians? When a woman faces unplanned pregnancy she is vulnerable and often feels so overwhelmed that she does not

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Cuomo’s Increase of Tax-Payer Funding of Abortion

Governor Cuomo’s Reproductive Health Act represents the largest and most radical expansion of abortion since Roe v Wade. This means New Yorkers will see even more of their tax dollars go toward abortions. Abortion activists claim they strive for “Safe, legal, and rare” abortions. Abortion is far from rare in our state. 30% of NY

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Cuomo’s Radical Expansion of Abortion Bill Revealed

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has vowed to pass the Reproductive Health Act in 2013. This bill would establish abortion and contraception as fundamental rights. If abortion and contraception receive ‘right’ status medical providers who do not refer women for them may be found guilty of discrimination and human rights violations. Making abortion a

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Whoever Wishes to Save His Life Must Lose It

In 2012 CompassCare helped 50% more women seriously considering abortion have their babies than ever before! In 2013 CompassCare is working, praying and strategizing on increasing the patient load by another 100%! Many women when faced with an unplanned pregnancy are confronted with what they perceive to be a terrible decision: Either my life or

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Christmas: The Story of an Unplanned Pregnancy

She did not plan on being pregnant. She was not even married. She was frightened. Her fiancé was going to end the relationship. Her community would disparage her and stigmatize the child. Feeling alone she went away, to a place where she would be loved and insulated from the pressure and where she could ponder

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Your Health Insurance Premiums Now Directly Pay for Abortion

If you have health insurance in New York, you are paying for abortion. All health insurance plans renewed in New York State as of August 2012 will directly cover abortion-causing contraception, for ‘FREE’.  This means if you are enrolled in a traditional health insurance plan, a percentage of your dollars is going straight toward funding

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Your Health Insurance Pays for Abortion–Just the Facts

The following is a consolidated summary of the primary points of which Christians should be aware concerning how the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare. The PPACA and the Health and Human Services mandates, with a particular focus on concerns regarding health insurance coverage of abortion-causing drugs and devices, now

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