Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Your monthly gift of $47 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby. It only costs $570 to provide a woman with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support!

Improving Mission Effectivness for 2011

As executives we face a myriad of daily challenges. Everything from dealing with individual client issues, staffing challenges, donor communications, media inquiries, to running board and committee meetings, etc clamor for our time. If we are not careful we will miss doing what only you and I as executives can do for the organization; maintaining

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Standardization, Accountability, Measurability, Continuous Improvement

CompassCare has been committed to serving the Pregnancy Center movement since 2006 by identifying standards, structuring client/patient care plans around those standards, providing real tools to maintain accountability of roles for those serving the women as well as creating and maintaining key measures that help each center know how well they are performing. This empowers

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Pregnancy Centers in Real Danger

We learned a lot by CompassCare testifying at a hearing of the New York City Council yesterday. For my official testimony click NYC Legislation Regulating Pregnancy Centers. What we realized at this hearing was that Pregnancy Centers are at greater risk than we thought. The council itself seemed to be colluding with NARAL, Planned Parenthood,

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Linear Service Model=Continuous Improvement Part 2

Since we are committed to getting better at what we do we must be willing to do the hard work necessary to get and understand the right information about how our services are influencing our clients/patients in the first place. This is the value of a Linear Service Model. There are several elements required for

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A Linear Service Model=Continuous Improvement Part 1

So now that you know what a Linear Service Model is, what’s next? What makes a Linear Service Model so much better than a Global Service Model? Its simple: The ability to foster a community culture of continuous improvement within our Pregnancy Centers. The ability to understand what is not working and the ability to

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Legal Do’s and Don’ts for Pregnancy Centers and Other Non-Profits

Many Executives and leaders of non-profits like pregnancy centers do not engage in political issues during the election season for fear of the negative impact it might have on their non-profit status. The attorney Barry Bostrom and his legal firm Bopp, Coleson, & Bostrom have put together a list of activities that we as non-profit

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Connecting Critical Leadership Resources to Executives

Welcome! You and I are passionate about reversing the national abortion trend. I believe a critical component to accomplishing that goal is an effective pregnancy resource center movement. To have an effective movement where women considering abortion choose to come to our centers FIRST rather than the abortion provider means that we need to have

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